Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yea, that's what I thought at first too but then they showed the parents getting killed by the homeless dude scene? And he took the lens cover off the batsignal - then there's the line 'blah blah been in gotham for 20 years how many good guys are left? so I'm not sure if it's like a 'coming out of retirement' origin with salt'n'pepper batman or what.
Right I remember that stuff too, so maybe it's just the Metropolis police being stupid.


Is there any remote reason why Superman would fight Batman? It just makes zero fucking sense.

Also cgi overload. That running into the "dust cloud" was beyond obvious.
Well, heh in the Dark Knight , Batman makes Gotham the safest city in america under his vigilante rule, and that is seen an embarrassment to the US government so they send Superman to remove him.

That was written when Reagan was president tho, so who knows what they will come up for this film.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Well the impression I got from the trailer is that the government really doesn't have anything to do with it, Batman becomes obsessed with killing Superman because of how dangerous he is. I mean obviously trailers rarely tell the entire story, but I suspect they're borrowing rather lightly from the Dark Knight story.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
I got the vibe that after one of his buildings is destroyed and he sees the death and destruction that Superman is cable of, Batman comes out of retirement to stop Superman. You have all those scense with Jeremy Irons trying to convince him that Superman isn't the enemy and that Batman seems to be overcome with rage or something. I think Lex Luthor might be in Bruce Wayne's ear manipulating him.

I think this has a chance of being very good. As others have said though, they seem to be cramming way the fuck too much into it with that many characters.


Also to the guy that said that they were playing the Punisher angle with this one, you can see Bruces Dad in Crime Alley in the trailer.

It's very confusing if these 2 characters are being manipulated, or not. In the first part you hear an unidentified mans voice says " This Bat vigilante is a one man reign of trailer" cut to Perry saying "You don't get to decide what the right thing is, no one cares that Clark Kent is taking on the Batman"

Then later on You hear Bruce say "He has the power to wipe out the entire human race, andWehave to destroy him" very JLA: Nail in the coffin stuff

So to me that says they are targeting each other, and it's not just a one sided affair.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Could be Lex manages to somehow frame Superman for something too, they show him staring at what is clearly a big chunk of Kryptonite, and they imply that he somehow got Zod's corpse.


I read a pretty detailed plot summery months ago that lines up nearly perfectly with the trailer. If legit would mean...

The big battle at the end with Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman is them fighting
Doomsday, who Lex has created from experements with Zod's body.


God do I hate Jesse Eisenberg. Really, really not buying him as Lex Luthor. I get what they were going for, rich millenial with an ax to grind, but LL is supposed to be charismatic. Only person who I dislike more than Jesse Eisenberg is Aaron Taylor-Johnson/Kickass. To the point that I will probably skip this in theaters, unless it gets amazing reviews.


what Suineg set it to
This is going to piss me off if they don't have something more than Lex Luthor to fight at the end. I'm so fucking sick of kryptonite as a plot device. For all it's problems, I thought MoS was starting at least in the right direction with Zod instead of Luthor or dumb criminals save everyone or Lois Lane dilemma.


Silver Knight of the Realm
I read a pretty detailed plot summery months ago that lines up nearly perfectly with the trailer. If legit would mean...

The big battle at the end with Superman, Wonder Woman and Batman is them fighting
Doomsday, who Lex has created from experements with Zod's body.
God if this true this is probably the worst thing ever. That is the worst villian


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's a good theory. Some big threat that Superman can't beat on his own, leading to a Batman - Superman - Wonderwoman teamup, leading to the rise of the Justice League, aka Dawn of Justice.


Silver Knight of the Realm
This is going to piss me off if they don't have something more than Lex Luthor to fight at the end. I'm so fucking sick of kryptonite as a plot device. For all it's problems, I thought MoS was starting at least in the right direction with Zod instead of Luthor or dumb criminals save everyone or Lois Lane dilemma.
When the fuck is a braniac happening?


Vyemm Raider


Lord Nagafen Raider
I usually don't like Eisenberg but he looks alright in this, he had the best line in the trailer anyway. "The redcapes are coming" made me laugh.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Had thesame issue with Eisenberg, lex was always a charasmatic bad ass business man who could fuck all the women and take all the money. Eisenberg comes off as some creepy nerd who looks like he lives in his mom's basement.


SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
This looks pretty damn good to me. Then again, I really enjoyed Man of Steel.

I like how they are inserting Wayne directly into the destruction at the end of Man of Steel. It wouldn't surprise me if the first 10 minutes of Batman v. Superman is basically a showing of the end destruction in MoS from Bruce Wayne's point of view. I had assumed it would just be Bruce Wayne reading about/watching what happened in Metropolis, but putting him right there makes it even better.

Sucks that it's still a full year away, though. They're pushing the hype on this way too soon, and I have a feeling by the time it's released we'll have seen 2/3 of the movie in various trailers and promotional spots.


Definitely NOT Furor Planedefiler
I think it would be interesting for a super hero movie to actually show the impact on the world their fighting has. The fact that the destruction in MoS isn't just going to be brushed off is a positive to me.