Battlefield 4 (Frostbite 3)


Golden Knight of the Realm
He seems to have a fairly insecure personality, and no outlet for anger generated due to unhappiness in his personal life.

psych indicators:

1. Pads stats with vehicles.
2. Displays said stats in a forum tag.
3. Gets pleasure/ from pubstomping with his friends in a game where all it takes to create a huge team imbalance is a single squad of above average players with voip.
3a. The need to post multiple times about people complaining about the imbalanced teams/team stacking.
4. Seems to draw much of his ego from a fairly casual game.
5. Several posts giving tips to shed light on what an expert he is at the game, and to draw more attention to himself to tickle ego even more.

Edit: Individually those observations could be made about anyone that plays a video game. But I find the combination of them to paint a picture.
I'm flattered you took the time to analyze my online persona in such a detailed manner over the course of at least the past few days, given the historical data presented in your synopsis. This says a few things about you as well. I appreciate the afternoon humor, regardless.

Please, continue this well-founded and entirely unprecedented theory that individuals who enjoy stomping other individuals in a game meant to, you know, allow individuals to kill each other (i.e., pewpew, the purpose of the game) to the fullest extent without qualms regarding their effect on others denotes some underlying flaw in the real world. Should I start taking other individuals' fun into account whilst gathering my platoon 'round the fire and singing kumbaya?


Golden Knight of the Realm
I simply made observations about what drives your personality and motivations. I never said that play style itself was "bad".


<Gold Donor>
What Ive seen in this game that even one squad, that are not even that skilled per say in a shooter, but obviously knows the game, can quickly turn a tide of a match if they are communicating. Might not be a total curbstomp, but obviously if you do this with 2-3+ squads with voice coms and a leader which isnt licking windows, you can definitely do some curb stompage. But is that even a contest at that point? Vs pubs which pretty much all play solo, dont communicate other than maybe typing some shit in chat every once in a while, let alone those peeps that dont even play the game to win the match but to further their K/D stats anyway, oh and the 5-10 wookies hiding in bushes trying to snipe some shit?

Its the same in every game, be it BF4 or WoW PvP or whatever. Thats not skill, thats just pure coordination with the intent of winning a match.


I still think shifting mechanics towards a "hardcore-esque"/reality sense after fixing the netcode would improve gameplay and force more coordination. Why communicate if everyone is a super-soldier and the only thing you fear is three people in ROFL-Copter/Jelly-Boat?


Golden Squire
after fixing the netcode
I wish I shared your optimism, don't get me wrong the game plays great sometimes, but it's still far from stable, I still have multiple times per day when I have a dead shot on someone, unload an entire magazine and get no hit markers.

Sadly my feeling is now that the servers should be region locked, I think that might solve 99% of the problem.


Golden Squire
Morsakin when you say that you and your friends can't be on opposite teams because your skills are antithesis of each other it basically says that you guys only play one role and can't adapt. Branch out.

The reason why people want repairing removed from the scout helicopter is because, until it is removed, DICE is limited in its options for balancing the attack helicopter without making the scout helicopter even more ridiculous.


Golden Knight of the Realm
Morsakin when you say that you and your friends can't be on opposite teams because your skills are antithesis of each other it basically says that you guys only play one role and can't adapt. Branch out.

The reason why people want repairing removed from the scout helicopter is because, until it is removed, DICE is limited in its options for balancing the attack helicopter without making the scout helicopter even more ridiculous.
You misinterpreted my statement; I said that some of us are incredibly specialized, not all of us. To say we can't adapt is hilarious though. Ten seconds looking at my stats would tell you as much in my case, but we've already been over this.

I understand why people want it adjusted, I was never arguing that point. I think one repairer is fine, honestly. It wouldn't affect most of the folks who fly with us in the least, as they rarely have more than one wrencher.

The AH would be absolutely fine if they increased its' maneuverability, removed the wobble inherent in certain models, and reduced the input lag on TVs.


I've about quit bf4 on the 360 due to freezing on the Second Assault maps at about 85% of the time, it's absolutely unplayable. Either the screen will be black with the load white bar flashing in the top right upon entering a match, I can hear gunfire in the background and explosions, or I'll be playing and the entire console will freeze up mid way through. It's the same nonsense that happens that freezes Dawnbreaker and now even the other vanilla maps do it more often since the most recent patch. Even more infuriating when there's about a dozen tickets left in the match. I can't remember the last time I've ran through a complete cycle of maps without something bugging out.

Does the PS4 or Xbone suffer from the same crap that the xbox 360 does? Or different headache inducing bugs? Ever since the last patch I can tell a dramatic decline in games being available, probably from people getting fed up.


Jesus christ farming noobs is all this shitty game has going for it.

I miss Bad Company 2, hell I miss BF3.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I've about quit bf4 on the 360 due to freezing on the Second Assault maps at about 85% of the time, it's absolutely unplayable. Either the screen will be black with the load white bar flashing in the top right upon entering a match, I can hear gunfire in the background and explosions, or I'll be playing and the entire console will freeze up mid way through. It's the same nonsense that happens that freezes Dawnbreaker and now even the other vanilla maps do it more often since the most recent patch. Even more infuriating when there's about a dozen tickets left in the match. I can't remember the last time I've ran through a complete cycle of maps without something bugging out.

Does the PS4 or Xbone suffer from the same crap that the xbox 360 does? Or different headache inducing bugs? Ever since the last patch I can tell a dramatic decline in games being available, probably from people getting fed up.
I get a game freeze maybe every 20 hours of play on ps4. Usually leaving a tank position triggers it. Tonight we got server disconnected for the first time as a squad, but it was probably due a reset anyway since it was rubber banding badly prior to boot.

I've noticed the white bar flashing with a black screen maybe twice since the ps4 released. Both times it was leaving the bugged tank gunner seat.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
Jesus christ farming noobs is all this shitty game has going for it.

I miss Bad Company 2, hell I miss BF3.
I never understood why people say BC2 was so amazing compared to BF3/4. Sure it was fun but it still had its retarded shit easily ruined matches. Nothing was better than seeing some dude throw c4 on a uav then detonate it all next to a mcom.


Having no issues on PC after they re-fixed soundloop that came with SecAss.

In other news, I watched a scout chopper eat a Sabot round to the cockpit mid flight survive, back off for 10-15 seconds, then rape the MBT that shot it. Because that's not jarring imbalance at all or an immersion killer.

Business as usual, right?


Vyemm Raider
Having no issues on PC after they re-fixed soundloop that came with SecAss.

In other news, I watched a scout chopper eat a Sabot round to the cockpit mid flight survive, back off for 10-15 seconds, then rape the MBT that shot it. Because that's not jarring imbalance at all or an immersion killer.

Business as usual, right?
See the thing is.. the mbt had noobs in it that need to get their shit together. Thats why the scout chopper won.


Vyemm Raider
Yay an actual close round of CQ

You know it's good when in a 32 minute round, only 2 people leave. Also, note that the team with the better k/d lost.

I was tank whoring because, ah, I shouldn't admit this, but until the other day I thought active protection was something that happened on its own. I read the description and thought it just triggered every 30s or whatever automatically. So, yeah, quite a difference. Especially now that the rain of buffed javelins are blocking out the sun.

And I've never had a heli survive a tank round. Your friend missed.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Played on a few classic maps this morning. In 3 rounds I didn't see a single person over rank 50. The game go on sale again or something? I'm only 65, but it's very, -very- depressing when I'm coming in first place consistently. I'm really not that good.

Battlelog app still isn't letting me sync up servers on ps4. >.<


Vyemm Raider
It's funny how the way I played doom/quake still forces my habits in all other games. In the rare case that I would play a team mode like team arena, teammates were just people who got in the way or stole my kills. If my team goes left I'd go right. Why do all the work so someone else can get the frag? Fighting 1 vs 3 or 5 didn't mean shit in quake, not when you could run backwards through the map killing anyone stupid enough to follow you and you were leagues better than 90% of them anyway.

And I can't stop myself from doing it. In WoW, if 10 of my teammates take off to fight the dozen alliance at lumber mill, I think "well that's fucking stupid, there's probably 1 guy standing at mines, I'll go check.." Only by the time I can kill that guy either help will come or I'll be there alone and unable to hold it. In battlefield, all of my allies around me will run off somewhere stupid and I'll think "why are all those stupid lemmings running straight at the enemy's guns like the goddamn Last Samurai? Haven't they heard of flanking?" And I'll run off and flank and I'll be alone vs the entire enemy team and I'll get my 1-3 kills and die while reloading. Hell, this is like the fifth time I've posted this in an effort to remind myself to stop doing it.

Really, the problem isn't me. The problem is all of those fucking idiots going the WRONG FUCKING WAY. And I can't make myself be stupid. I can't run in a pack of idiots to a flag defended by 15 people plus the advantage of a nearby graveyard when I know instead that five of us should take the one guarded by one or two people, thus forcing their zerg to break up and... NOPE just me dying alone, so now who is the retarded one?