Misc Refugee Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
The hilarious thing to me about chicks of the misc is how they all talk about what good, wholesome family women they are. Meanwhile, they've all posted plenty of thirst material, and even material meant specifically for strange men on the misc to fap to. Kimm with her endless saucy pics, Legz with the legs/feet/etc. pics, rabbit_jb with all her boobs pics, zyra with her IG and bj tape from about 5 years ago, Katya talked about doing some freaky shit, redraider would talk about sex and stuff that made her horny while she was an actively married woman until her husband unfortunately passed away or left her (based on stories she told a few years ago, she was ambiguous but the ending sounded kinda tragic). I'm not even saying any of this to shit on these chicks, just pointing out how they all consistently talk/talked out of both sides of their mouths when it comes to their slooting activities.

sloots gonna sloot, mane... sloots gonna sloot
I guess the truth finally comes out, Eggies is actually male?
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hory shit, are you from the r/p? And yeah, stick a fork in the misc, it's been fucked up for what, 3 weeks now or something? I'm sure Pajeet and the whole IT gang at are on it right now and ensuring it stops happening!
I posted in both misc and r/p, been miscin since late 2005 and joined in 2006.

How da fuk did we agree on this forum being a misc refuge? Some brah just randomly picked it? Never heard of this place before in my life.
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Golden Squire
Just seems like it's been forgotten about and eventually it'll fade away. Honestly have less hope for the misc now than I did during that 2 week blackout earlier this year.
using this place for a week - don't think I would bother going back even if it gets fixed. The software here is so much better and they do a really good job keeping the drek out
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using this place for a week - don't think I would bother going back even if it gets fixed. The software here is so much better and they do a really good job keeping the drek out
Yeah this forum looks to be a million times better technically than the disaster that is the misc.

Misc is the misc though, and there's no way all of the good veteran posters are all going to migrate to here with us. It'll never be the same.
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Molten Core Raider
Just seems like it's been forgotten about and eventually it'll fade away. Honestly have less hope for the misc now than I did during that 2 week blackout earlier this year.

I just wish they'd do the right thing and delete it outright if this is how things are gonna be from now on. Stop leaving it 10% alive on the glitched to hell page and just put it out of its misery already.
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Golden Squire
Yeah this forum looks to be a million times better technically than the disaster that is the misc.

Misc is the misc though, and there's no way all of the good veteran posters are all going to migrate to here with us. It'll never be the same.
I'd rather lose a few if it means getting rid of the shitty posters
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I just wish they'd do the right thing and delete it outright if this is how things are gonna be from now on. Stop leaving it 10% alive on the glitched to hell page and just put it out of its misery already.
Same if they're really not going to fix it I'd rather they just rip the bandaid off and pull the plug instead of letting it die a slow death. Plus I'll keep on checking in to see if it got fixed even though I know the tour is over.
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<Prior Amod>
I'd rather lose a few if it means getting rid of the shitty posters
you guys should keep a running tally of whom we have banned
bohdy banned
fate faggot banned
lust guy banned
old cunt alderon guy banned
ny guy banned
some faggot posting stupid food banned
some j guy banned, idk why
we banned some indian shitskin, cuz we're not gonna have shitskins invade and make a call center, we already have 1 grandfathered shitskin
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Golden Knight of the Realm
you guys should keep a running tally of whom we have banned
bohdy banned
fate faggot banned
lust guy banned
old cunt alderon guy banned
ny guy banned
some faggot posting stupid food banned
some j guy banned, idk why
we banned some indian shitskin, cuz we're not gonna have shitskins invade and make a call center, we already have 1 grandfathered shitskin
How many alts did Bodhy make trying to get back in?

I remember there was at least three - or was that someone else?
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Molten Core Raider
Yeah this forum looks to be a million times better technically than the disaster that is the misc.

Misc is the misc though, and there's no way all of the good veteran posters are all going to migrate to here with us. It'll never be the same.

You're right, but I don't get why people still don't want to migrate just to bs and keep in touch with miscers here a bit. What are the alternatives, shitty ass discords, some shit tier borderline unusable forum another miscer made, posting in the huge kiop glitch thread forever, or stopping altogether? At least this forum operates smooth af.

Plus, like Cleveland said, they keep the dregs out and don't ban for stupid shit like mods on the misc do. Like the misc's wincel problem of like 8+ years now, for example - that's just not a thing here, because they keep the useless filth out at the curb trash bin where it belongs. Imagine the misc, but without all the shit tier posters like wincel, Dustbin, the shit smearing pissy slipper wearing bodhy, or MinisterOfRobloxLust and NYPatricia. It's a better experience, except missing some cool miscers we could really use here.
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Golden Squire
How many alts did Bodhy make trying to get back in?

I remember there was at least three - or was that someone else?
someone said he was trying just the other day - I asked him what the alt names were and I don't think he responded with those. But I would be curious.
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