Misc Refugee Thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
Redheadlaw left way too soon. Red raider had a very sweet side to her many of us can admit

I liked redraider back in the 2010's, srs. Never had an issue with her then, though some others said they did. She started getting weirder as a poster and mod after covid. Then she made her elaborate retirement thread in late 2022/early 2023 and started the modding without ever interacting with the community bullshit, a play straight out of the dj924s playbook. She's continued that and done a lot of questionable bannings on the down-low like that ever since. The pseudo-retirement where she just stopped posting but kept banning people without ever talking to anyone except for her attention seeking early 2024 fake "I'm back!" thread made me lose some amount of respect for her.

In her defense, I think she has gone through some rough times in the past. In a rentcel summer of 2022 thread, it somehow got to her telling me she was previously married while implying that the guy died a few years back at the time. I felt bad for her, that's indeed shitty as hell. Still doesn't excuse her going full middle aged Karen mode with a blatantly fake disappearing act going on 2 fucking years now, though.
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Golden Squire
Looking back, I'm honestly floored that I never copped a ban for being mean to dustbin. I remember making a thread saying she has severe borderline personality disorder right before the 2022 elections and it took off for a few pages. Man, I gave that old wench so much crap over the years, but she brought shit on herself

ha ha ha

You were probably more skilled in your approach; I am a blunt instrument who believes in bashing people with their own words / pics...

you haven't it made it by giving others shit until Adlerian calls you gay or a woman (or both)
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what Suineg set it to
Which part of my post called Churchill a great man, or even a great world leader?
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Golden Squire
I liked redraider back in the 2010's, srs. Never had an issue with her then, though some others said they did. She started getting weirder as a poster and mod after covid. Then she made her elaborate retirement thread in late 2022/early 2023 and started the modding without ever interacting with the community bullshit, a play straight out of the dj924s playbook. She's continued that and done a lot of questionable bannings on the down-low like that ever since. The pseudo-retirement where she just stopped posting but kept banning people without ever talking to anyone except for her attention seeking early 2024 fake "I'm back!" thread made me lose some amount of respect for her.

In her defense, I think she has gone through some rough times in the past. In a rentcel summer of 2022 thread, it somehow got to her telling me she was previously married while implying that the guy died a few years back at the time. I felt bad for her, that's indeed shitty as hell. Still doesn't excuse her going full middle aged Karen mode with a blatantly fake disappearing act going on 2 fucking years now, though.
I always liked her actually - I knew others didn't but I just assumed people have issues with authority.

that dj924s chick was a dope though - before I started miscing I had a beef with a guy in the equipment and another sub forum and he cried to her that I negged him too much and she tried telling me that it was a misuse of the rep system. I didn't bother responding but I was like, the misc has people with neg on sight lists
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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
you haven't it made it by giving others shit until Adlerian calls you gay or a woman (or both)

He has called me so many things - directly and indirectly - that I am certain that I have achieved both of those badges from the Great Fraudlerian!

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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Wait, your Adlerian dude isn't our Aldarion Aldarion , is he? For some reason I think Aldarion has been here forever (at least since EQ?) and might have originally had a name like Aldarion Shard or something?

This whole MISC/FOH mashup fanfic is fucking with my head now

Fuck, getting old fucking SUCKS

  • 2Worf
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Wait, your Adlerian dude isn't our Aldarion Aldarion , is he? For some reason I think Aldarion has been here forever (at least since EQ?) and might have originally had a name like Aldarion Shard or something?

This whole MISC/FOH mashup fanfic is fucking with my head now

Fuck, getting old fucking SUCKS


Interesting hypothesis, but doubtful imo. The Fraudlerian was on several other forums like imdb back in the day posting in the same manner he did on the misc, with the exact same Adlerian name. It would have been out of character for him to change it up. Plus, from my understanding, he made an account here and has been crying on the misc about having been banned, but I could be wrong about that part.
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<Prior Amod>
Wait, your Adlerian dude isn't our Aldarion Aldarion , is he? For some reason I think Aldarion has been here forever (at least since EQ?) and might have originally had a name like Aldarion Shard or something?

This whole MISC/FOH mashup fanfic is fucking with my head now

Fuck, getting old fucking SUCKS

ours is only half as dumb, but we had already banned theirs
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Hey guys, I raw bench pressed 963 pounds! It was earlier today at my local gym. Didn't get any film, and no need to now that I've proven it for myself. I can now brag forever about being a world class champion lifter, if you guys can't believe it that's your problem! Must be jealousy!
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Molten Core Raider
how many times and for how long has everyone been banned over there?

I got three -
1. A 24 hour ban for quoting a Wincel racist tirade (this was Iceman's made up rule that you can't quote it)
2. A 90 day ban for being racist for saying "chimps fight dirty" but I had that overturned in a few hours cause I pointed out that I was referring to a story about an actual chimpanzee mauling
3. A 24 hour ban last year for using the red wall on an SS thread
When I first signed up I immediately made a porn thread (10/10s of course) and was banned. I have a few more porn bans after that.

One cuck banned me for this pic (see below)

A ban for saying dindu nuffin

A ban for mass bumping poorly aged liberal trump will lose 2016 threads.

A ban for replying to a console troll thread

Sports bet bans

permaban for making alt accounts and ban dodging

Once permabanned I traded my original ‘09 account that flew under the radar to get my Pterodactyl account back. My 09 username was my last name so I had to torch that.

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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Wait, your Adlerian dude isn't our Aldarion Aldarion , is he? For some reason I think Aldarion has been here forever (at least since EQ?) and might have originally had a name like Aldarion Shard or something?

This whole MISC/FOH mashup fanfic is fucking with my head now

Fuck, getting old fucking SUCKS

About time for that ride out to the country?
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  • 1Worf
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caught my first ban because of posting this image, apparently this is racism.


Also caught a ban for rustling that stupid bitch silencespeaks, the original one, with the MENTALLY ILL copy pasta.
  • 3Worf
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how many times and for how long has everyone been banned over there?

I got three -
1. A 24 hour ban for quoting a Wincel racist tirade (this was Iceman's made up rule that you can't quote it)
2. A 90 day ban for being racist for saying "chimps fight dirty" but I had that overturned in a few hours cause I pointed out that I was referring to a story about an actual chimpanzee mauling
3. A 24 hour ban last year for using the red wall on an SS thread
Never banned on the Misc. I am however IP banned on Slickdeals.
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<Prior Amod>
I don't know why, but it just occurred to me that I haven't looked at porn on a desktop/laptop computer in over decade. Phone fapping was truly one of the GOAT inventions, srs
i have an lg wing

browsing the limited support forums (b/c lg stopped making phones), the ppl who do use the phone are degens b/c now they can fap in landscape mode
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