Misc Refugee Thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
Almost kind of surreal it’s gone. RIP :(

I hear you, but the various times it's been shut down and fallen off the rails in general over the last few years have had me caring a lot less.

Ironically, I migrated to the misc all those moons ago when a different forum shut down, and I remember even then forums were a dying platform and there was constant speculation about when the misc would be shut down. It's honestly pretty crazy that it lasted as long as it did with how severely neglected it was for so long. It was obviously only left up because it costed them nothing to keep the server up with close to zero maintenance.

I just saw today that the forums are officially closed. I just wanna say, great on that note. There was zero reason to keep the decades worth of posting up for random lurkers to see on a non-functional forum. The writing was on the wall ever since they re-opened the misc after what was imo its best year in a long time when it was made private from like March 2021 - July 2022.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Lol at the bb site acting like they'll replace the forums with anything other than bodyspace or making people log into their bullshit via social media accounts like all those types of sites do when they close their forums
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<Prior Amod>
Lol at the bb site acting like they'll replace the forums with anything other than bodyspace or making people log into their bullshit via social media accounts like all those types of sites do when they close their forums
you know, theres nothing stopping ya'll from downloading bodyspace and leaving a 1star review for funzies, set a goal, make it go from 2.9 to 1.9
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Damn, what a faggot/phaggot (intended spelling) way to kill off the misc.

At least let some of the few good people who didn't already land somewhere else connect a last way before pulling the plug.
Lol at the bb site acting like they'll replace the forums with anything other than bodyspace or making people log into their bullshit via social media accounts like all those types of sites do when they close their forums
"No, we totally invented something that is even better than a forum or any other remotely modern social media platform that we don't even use except facebook!"

They're going to be in for a rude awakening if they seriously think that they're going to make fetch bodyspace happen because they'll never face the fact that they never adapted. There are better storefronts for supplements, places with "hardcore" pre-workouts, and you can just go on youtube to find thousands of videos if you need to know how to do any particular lift. They don't offer anything you couldn't find elsewhere, and they're so intent on keeping up this clean, natural, WADA-approved bullshit that nobody believes anyways while everyone else moves on. Hell, when I went on vitamin shoppe just to compare out of curiosity they had straight up TRT advertised on the front page.
you know, theres nothing stopping ya'll from downloading bodyspace and leaving a 1star review for funzies, set a goal, make it go from 2.9 to 1.9
I'd say for 99% of people, bodyspace is the like the fitness app/website/thing equivalent of "I don't even know who you are."

If you accidentally clicked a profile and it took you to the bodyspace side, hardly anyone had bothered to touch them.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Fuck. Been on that forum since 2005. While we all knew this was the outcome it doesn't make it any easier.

Rest in piss Misc.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Damn, what a faggot/phaggot (intended spelling) way to kill off the misc.

At least let some of the few good people who didn't already land somewhere else connect a last way before pulling the plug.

"No, we totally invented something that is even better than a forum or any other remotely modern social media platform that we don't even use except facebook!"

They're going to be in for a rude awakening if they seriously think that they're going to make fetch bodyspace happen because they'll never face the fact that they never adapted. There are better storefronts for supplements, places with "hardcore" pre-workouts, and you can just go on youtube to find thousands of videos if you need to know how to do any particular lift. They don't offer anything you couldn't find elsewhere, and they're so intent on keeping up this clean, natural, WADA-approved bullshit that nobody believes anyways while everyone else moves on. Hell, when I went on vitamin shoppe just to compare out of curiosity they had straight up TRT advertised on the front page.

I'd say for 99% of people, bodyspace is the like the fitness app/website/thing equivalent of "I don't even know who you are."

If you accidentally clicked a profile and it took you to the bodyspace side, hardly anyone had bothered to touch them.

The only Body Space was ever any good for was looking up pics of female miscers. I remember Jamie Eason had a lot of hot pics on there from back when she was supposed to participate in the forums for some sort of deal she had with them, then they let her stop when she requested and said she hated the shit that went on in the forums.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
you know, theres nothing stopping ya'll from downloading bodyspace and leaving a 1star review for funzies, set a goal, make it go from 2.9 to 1.9

I don't think most miscers cared about body space unless it was to snoop for old pics of female miscers/former miscers to jack it to lol
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Golden Squire
The only Body Space was ever any good for was looking up pics of female miscers. I remember Jamie Eason had a lot of hot pics on there from back when she was supposed to participate in the forums for some sort of deal she had with them, then they let her stop when she requested and said she hated the shit that went on in the forums.
yeah the let her opt out of the misc cause of how she got treated. DLB said during an interview that it was vile place and she would never go back in it after the abuse she took
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
yeah the let her opt out of the misc cause of how she got treated. DLB said during an interview that it was vile place and she would never go back in it after the abuse she took
Highlights that even during the glory days the Misc was kind of a shit hole. It's just that threads moved so fast back then you didn't notice unless you were looking for it (I doubt any of us were looking).
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