Misc Refugee Thread


This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
discord is good and bad it can be fun for a few days but its just too much, ill just stick on here, and a few other forums, but these type of fourms are def dying out

I agree about discord but I CBA to look at insidemane flexing and katycuck posts nonstop...JFL

I prefer the VB with separate threads but I would rather have the solid, and consistent, moderating that we get here...No suck up
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Trakanon Raider
I agree about discord but I CBA to look at insidemane flexing and katycuck posts nonstop...JFL

I prefer the VB with separate threads but I would rather have the solid, and consistent, moderating that we get here...No suck up
our faggot mods never showed up in that misc thread what a joke.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
I signed up the first day because MM is a great guy but it's already terrible; filled with larpers, peadoughs and incels...

I doubt anything could get me to go there now!
Those chuckle fucks are most of the reason Misc really nosedived into the toilet over the past couple of years. Kind of glad they had a place to go that's not here.
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Trakanon Raider
TBH, I doubt that they know anything and even if they did, they have probably signed an NDA which prohibits them from saying...
a nda for what lol, what could offer them? If you say something you wont get any of our shitty products ever again
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Misc Refugee
My understanding was that he was not too worried about it because he thought it was a temp location until the misc came back. He even said that he would go to a paid site if the misc completely died and he had the number of users...

Looks like it spun out of control and so now, he'd have to decimate the user base to clean it up. Also, hard to get traction with people bouncing around between Deadmisc, NuMisc, 50 miscords including one from SandeepSpeaks! JFC
Lololol @ sandeepspeaks. That sack of chit is single handedly ruining that thread and then you toss in theadlerian for good measure and you have a total fukin mess!
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Trakanon Raider
Those chuckle fucks are most of the reason Misc really nosedived into the toilet over the past couple of years. Kind of glad they had a place to go that's not here.
That misc that you are thinking of has been dead since like 2014. The tour is over in everyway, even if it comes back updated those same people are still going to post.
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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
Those chuckle fucks are most of the reason Misc really nosedived into the toilet over the past couple of years. Kind of glad they had a place to go that's not here.

ha ha ha

Yeah, one of several reasons for the late stage decline of teh misc for sure; they know better than to come here...

When faggots like Bodhy, Fraudlerian and chalupa came here they all FAFO in a hurry!
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Would be great to have Bodhy, fate, Silencespeaks, wincel, Katy, and BBMG on here.

I've jinxed it
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Trakanon Raider
Im wainting for the day that Tom from Myspace, and Deluca from the misc team up and create the ultimate mysapce/misc mashup
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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
a nda for what lol, what could offer them? If you say something you wont get any of our shitty products ever again

It's just speculation homie but as I have said countless times, nothing that has done or might do would ever surprise...

Just remember that it's such a valued asset that it's been sold four times in five years! LMFAO
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
imagine being such a bitch ass faggot simp to join anything SS conjures up. you couldnt pay me to join that discord.WTF would want wincel as part of their group? well shit i guess i answered my own question. i wouldnt be surpised at all if SS is wincel. fuck it probably is. i dont think we know just how deranged and fucked up that POS is. id literally give a couple grand for 5 minutes with that fuking commie faggot. cant promise hed live though
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Golden Knight of the Realm
good to see you here bro!
You too man! I was wondering where you were. I haven't seen you in that dying thread for a while, or on MiscMathematician's forum.
Good to see you here man. I registered over there as well jic.
Thanks brah, you too :)
I figure it's good to have just in case too
I didn't bother because I figured all the incels would end up there. Good to see you posting.
lol yeah there's already an issue with people taking username's that don't belong to them. MM's trying to sort it out.
Good to see you too :)
where did explosive midget end up
Oh yeah, I haven't seen him anywhere in a while. I hope he finds his way to one of these places.
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Trakanon Raider
It's just speculation homie but as I have said countless times, nothing that has done or might do would ever surprise...

Just remember that it's such a valued asset that it's been sold four times in five years! LMFAO
Thats what I mean there is no oversight no middle management nothing its the shitty place u drive by and wonder how its even still operational even though its on its fifht ownership chnange and no changes at all
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Misc Refugee
It's just speculation homie but as I have said countless times, nothing that has done or might do would ever surprise...

Just remember that it's such a valued asset that it's been sold four times in five years! LMFAO
I’m going to idaho next weekend, so I’ll drop by and see what the fuk is going on at HQ lol
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<Gold Donor>
where did explosive midget end up
Screenshot 2024-09-19 at 00-58-45 Definitive proof that I'm not drunk or inebriated Fires of H...png

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