Misc Refugee Thread


Misc Refugee
Sorry you guys lost your Internet home. Fewer and fewer pieces of the old Internet left now.
That was nice of you to say man. I miss the old internet, it was a lot more unique/real before it became a shit mess with the big corporations making it more sterile.
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Molten Core Raider
So this is what it has come to, huh?

Sup dude. Good to see you here. There is a politics section here, it is just hidden. Every day you earn 10 latinum on your account. It's like a currency. You need to wait 28 days to earn enough latinum to buy a pass to the politics section. Just an FYI because I know you posted mainly in R/P.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
These faggots are laughing and mocking us

Joke's on them, nobody's going to buy their diminishing stock of Optimum Nutrition from supplements.

I also just realized that they're standing in front of a Rogue branded... box, because a wooden crate is the best they could do I guess, but I wonder if they even have permission to show the complete Rogue branding.
Can't believe the misc is actually over.

I joined this during the last outage, did anybody check out the other "refugee" forums posted in the last thread? miscreformed or something like that? Didn't bother to check to see if they were any good. This one seems to be our best bet?
This is probably the most well-featured and organized forums I've ever seen, so I'd say so, although I don't think a lot of miscers might know of this place since it was fortunately kept more under the radar.

They actually run a tight sheep and keep out the riff-raff, unlike

Plus, they banned bodhy.


I refuse to believe it is gone until it is confirmed. Didn't we have a message like that before that they were improving things? Hopefully that message means they will be rebuilding it better & they will update people on that who tick the box.
I don't remember it redirecting to anything during the last outage, but I wasn't really paying attention to what their retarded server was trying to do. They also (allegedly) replaced said servers during it, so that was a great investment if they really did want to just kill off the forums.

That said, it doesn't appear to be totally gone because you can still see forum posts through google.

Even their general google search page has a separate tab for forums, so who even knows.
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Silver Squire
He would run multiple accounts at the same time and talk to himself in threads. Ded srs. Easily the most mentally ill poster on that site.
^^^ gwg isn't even kidding.

the dude would literally have sleeper cell alt accounts waiting to go at any time, he would also do a lot of rep beg threads and get his post count up by secretly posting on dead sub forums and then echo chamber himself using his multiple accounts.


What is that mental illness called? Was he American or na?
he's from england. his mental illness is called:

being a chump from the ghetto who got bullied and didn't do anything about it so he has a massive chip on his shoulder now and is surviving as a gypsy by leeching off whatever welfare system they have in england while being so desperate for female attention but being unable to get any quality women to even fart in his direction so he creeps on little girls and justifies having sex with transvestites not being gay syndrome.

caught him in so many lies over time, one of his latest claims is that he works some corporate / office position making a ton of money, yet thinks 3k a month rent for an apartment is some kind of brag. I could go on, but the sum of it all is this: he's an insecure, peed0 brokie who lies about virtually everything.

i remember when gwg blew up his spot by posting stuff from one of the many alts, where insidemane talks about his side hustle. guess the side hustle?

retail theft

lmfaooooooooooooo this dumb mother fucker would A, steal stuff from his retail job at the time and resell it. B, his gypsy girlfriend would bring home (steal) food that was left over from her job and it was his genius idea to repackage the food and sell it in some quick meal program.

I don't know a single financially comfortable person that would even waste their time with this kind of nonsense.
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Joke's on them, nobody's going to buy their diminishing stock of Optimum Nutrition from supplements.

I also just realized that they're standing in front of a Rogue branded... box, because a wooden crate is the best they could do I guess, but I wonder if they even have permission to show the complete Rogue branding.

This is probably the most well-featured and organized forums I've ever seen, so I'd say so, although I don't think a lot of miscers might know of this place since it was fortunately kept more under the radar.

They actually run a tight sheep and keep out the riff-raff, unlike

Plus, they banned bodhy.


I don't remember it redirecting to anything during the last outage, but I wasn't really paying attention to what their retarded server was trying to do. They also (allegedly) replaced said servers during it, so that was a great investment if they really did want to just kill off the forums.

That said, it doesn't appear to be totally gone because you can still see forum posts through google.

Even their general google search page has a separate tab for forums, so who even knows.
I think it was several years back during an outage.
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Molten Core Raider
^^^ gwg isn't even kidding.

the dude would literally have sleeper cell alt accounts waiting to go at any time, he would also do a lot of rep beg threads and get his post count up by secretly posting on dead sub forums and then echo chamber himself using his multiple accounts.


he's from england. his mental illness is called:

being a chump from the ghetto who got bullied and didn't do anything about it so he has a massive chip on his shoulder now and is surviving as a gypsy by leeching off whatever welfare system they have in england while being so desperate for female attention but being unable to get any quality women to even fart in his direction so he creeps on little girls and justifies having sex with transvestites not being gay syndrome.

caught him in so many lies over time, one of his latest claims is that he works some corporate / office position making a ton of money, yet thinks 3k a month rent for an apartment is some kind of brag. I could go on, but the sum of it all is this: he's an insecure, peed0 brokie who lies about virtually everything.

i remember when gwg blew up his spot by posting stuff from one of the many alts, where insidemane talks about his side hustle. guess the side hustle?

retail theft

lmfaooooooooooooo this dumb mother fucker would A, steal stuff from his retail job at the time and resell it. B, his gypsy girlfriend would bring home (steal) food that was left over from her job and it was his genius idea to repackage the food and sell it in some quick meal program.

I don't know a single financially comfortable person that would even waste their time with this kind of nonsense.

^^Absolutely brootal. True story. Insidemane wanted to start a business with food his girlfriend stole from work. Like he was seriously brainstorming it as if it could be a legitimate business. Completely mind-blowing.
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Golden Squire
Joke's on them, nobody's going to buy their diminishing stock of Optimum Nutrition from supplements.

I also just realized that they're standing in front of a Rogue branded... box, because a wooden crate is the best they could do I guess, but I wonder if they even have permission to show the complete Rogue branding.
I don't know the legality but they are in a gym and gym's post Rogue's logo all the time in their social media and website pics just from it being in the background like that. The thing is - it's not a bodybuilding gym, it looks like a crossfit box
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Silver Squire
so is actually under new ownership?

i remember some discussion about that, but never really paid attention

^^Absolutely brootal. True story. Insidemane wanted to start a business with food his girlfriend stole from work. Like he was seriously brainstorming it as if it could be a legitimate business. Completely mind-blowing.

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Bronze Knight of the Realm
I refuse to believe it is gone until it is confirmed. Didn't we have a message like that before that they were improving things? Hopefully that message means they will be rebuilding it better & they will update people on that who tick the box.
I doubt people that obsess over Trump while living in the UK will tick the box. But good to see more Misc'ers making it over.
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Golden Squire
I bet some FBI agents are upset, they were definitely watching that place and probably grew attached to it.

Now the inmates have scattered across the internet.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Sinistkir13 Sinistkir13

hey dude, are you my guy from the Gaming and Technology forum? The one with the articulate and well thought out posts about the DEI trash?
Yeah, that's me.

Check out the BB.Com Wikipedia page-what a burial job.
Brutal placement:
Also in 2014, the site popularized the word "nutting" as slang for ejaculation.[30]
On September 19, 2024, the company discontinued its entire forum section without notice. All links to its forums redirect to the message below:

Hi Team,

No good growth came without change. We’re building new ways to connect our global community.

Be on the lookout here on, or subscribe to our emails below to stay up to date on the newest brand developments.

Together, we’ll move forward to discover more ways to Build Your Body, Build Your Mind and Build Your Life.
Enter your email address to subscribe

"Days in a week" debate

Someone should send the smug bastards a screenshot of that for their legacy.

Seriously, if they had 18 million users in 2022 according to that wikipedia entry, then I can't imagine that they lost such a significant amount of users in two years. All of this decline into shit started because of the goddamn FDA being too pussy.

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Misc Refugee
Yeah, that's me.

Brutal placement:

Someone should send the smug bastards a screenshot of that for their legacy.

Seriously, if they had 18 million users in 2022 according to that wikipedia entry, then I can't imagine that they lost such a significant amount of users in two years. All of this decline into shit started because of the goddamn FDA being too pussy.

That had 17.9999 million alts most likely haha
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