Misc Refugee Thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
I have to admit...WFH without Misc to help kill time is shaping up to be brutal. I guess I could actually do work, but my motivation is always completely gone this late in the week.
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Golden Squire
Do you boyos lurk in any other forums on FOH or read other threads under off topic? Or are we relegated to our own dark corner?
I got the pass permission ticket for FOH's version of the R/P section.

Only thing I don't like is, this forum likes to keep things contained in a single "super thread", rather than the culture of creating new topics. I like it better when there are no real super threads and people just create new topics about specific subjects that pop up..

For example, Ukraine uses new drone technology or something, someone makes a new topic about that and shows videos of it being used, and I can click on that specific new thread and only deal with that. But this forum seems to want to contain everything into their own super threads, so any talk of a new topic within a topic.. like new ukraine drones, would go into the Ukraine war super thread..... ultimately get drowned amidst the people talking about different things Ukraine, or missed altogether because I don't want to go in there and scroll through people debating other things about the ukraine war.

This is just an example.

I feel it's better to have a new topic culture (vs super thread organizing) with interesting new events and topics... I am certainly not going to go into every super thread and scroll past people debating things I don't care about.

So, in the end, I'll participate less due to that.
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Molten Core Raider
Do you boyos lurk in any other forums on FOH or read other threads under off topic? Or are we relegated to our own dark corner?

I lurk non-political threads on reddit occasionally, because they can be kind of imformative/interesting to see. But lmao at actually posting there. Never in a million years. These days, even in threads I've read about the game Super Smash Brothers, and other things totally unrelated to politics, you'd be surprised at the ability of liberal retards to come up with excuses to blather on with their TDS. Like I said, lol at trying to post there.

There is another sports forum I spend about 5 - 10 minutes on two or three times a month. Other than that, just here now. I really have no desire to truly replace the time I wasted on the misc with something I waste equally as much time with. The features on this forum make it easier to participate in a drive-by fashion without getting sucked too deep into it, imo. Or maybe I'm just a rambling old man at this point, either way, it's whatever
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Molten Core Raider
The amount of crying when Trump lost jfl

Because no liberals cried when Hillary lost in 2016, no liberals cried when Trump steamrolled the 2024 GOP primaries over neocon Nimarata, etc.

Actually, that's not true. NoLiberals most certainly cried his eyes out when those things happened. Who all remembers that douche canoe?
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Golden Squire
I lurk non-political threads on reddit occasionally, because they can be kind of imformative/interesting to see. But lmao at actually posting there. Never in a million years. These days, even in threads I've read about the game Super Smash Brothers, and other things totally unrelated to politics, you'd be surprised at the ability of liberal retards to come up with excuses to blather on with their TDS. Like I said, lol at trying to post there.

There is another sports forum I spend about 5 - 10 minutes on two or three times a month. Other than that, just here now. I really have no desire to truly replace the time I wasted on the misc with something I waste equally as much time with. The features on this forum make it easier to participate in a drive-by fashion without getting sucked too deep into it, imo. Or maybe I'm just a rambling old man at this point, either way, it's whatever

So, I had the idea of creating a video, "30 days of reddit's bias" and just record their "Popular front page" for 30 days, and edit it into a short video. Basically just scrolling and highlighting every single anti-Trump, pro-Biden/Harris/Democrat post on their front page (when you click on Popular)........... to aware the normies and kind of expose reddit for being a radical leftist propaganda website, that censors any opposing political viewpoints.

Think it would get people talking, especially if released before the election.

I don't have any social media though, nor a following.
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Molten Core Raider
So, I had the idea of creating a video, "30 days of reddit's bias" and just record their "Popular front page" for 30 days, and edit it into a short video and spread it online, to aware the normies and kind of expose reddit for being a radical leftist propaganda website, that censors any opposing political viewpoints.

Think it would get people talking. I don't have any social media though, nor a following.

I'm legitimately floored that there exist people who can read through a few reddit pages without seeing their extreme liberal biases. Positive talk about Trump/Republicans/conservatives is a super fast way people catch bans there/get downvoted into oblivion. Just a complete echo chamber that makes Newsmax and OAN look like like truly centrist news networks by comparison to how people act on reddit.
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Golden Squire
I'm legitimately floored that there exist people who can read through a few reddit pages without seeing their extreme liberal biases. Positive talk about Trump/Republicans/conservatives is a super fast way people catch bans there/get downvoted into oblivion. Just a complete echo chamber that makes Newsmax and OAN look like like truly centrist news networks by comparison to how people act on reddit.
The site's moderators literally banned one of their biggest and most active subs for being conservative (TheDonald).

People will say, "no, it was because xyz" but that's like when you don't like someone and find any excuse to fire them. It wasn't the real reason.
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Molten Core Raider
The site's moderators literally banned one of their biggest and most active subs for being conservative (TheDonald).

People will say, "no, it was because xyz" but that's like when you don't like someone and find any excuse to fire them. It wasn't the real reason.

I remember hearing about them shutting TheDonald down all those years ago. It was a very obvious sign of them being political hacks and was part of why I never even bothered lurking anything there for until maybe a 2 or 3 years ago now.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I'm legitimately floored that there exist people who can read through a few reddit pages without seeing their extreme liberal biases. Positive talk about Trump/Republicans/conservatives is a super fast way people catch bans there/get downvoted into oblivion. Just a complete echo chamber that makes Newsmax and OAN look like like truly centrist news networks by comparison to how people act on reddit.
Major forums, yes, but there's plenty of subs where you can find useful information/discussions on there (related to hobbies for example). I stay far away from shit like r/politics though, because...Goddamn is it ridiculous.
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Molten Core Raider
I got the pass permission ticket for FOH's version of the R/P section.

Only thing I don't like is, this forum likes to keep things contained in a single "super thread", rather than the culture of creating new topics. I like it better when there are no real super threads and people just create new topics about specific subjects that pop up..

For example, Ukraine uses new drone technology or something, someone makes a new topic about that and shows videos of it being used, and I can click on that specific new thread and only deal with that. But this forum seems to want to contain everything into their own super threads, so any talk of a new topic within a topic.. like new ukraine drones, would go into the Ukraine war super thread..... ultimately get drowned amidst the people talking about different things Ukraine, or missed altogether because I don't want to go in there and scroll through people debating other things about the ukraine war.

This is just an example.

I feel it's better to have a new topic culture (vs super thread organizing) with interesting new events and topics... I am certainly not going to go into every super thread and scroll past people debating things I don't care about.

So, in the end, I'll participate less due to that.

In all fairness though, outside of the 3 or so Ukraine mega threads the misc had, how much real discussion about it happened on their politics board outside of those few threads after the first few months or so of the war? New threads about it typically got drowned out quickly, so being able to make new threads didn't exactly solve the issue you're describing.


Molten Core Raider
Major forums, yes, but there's plenty of subs where you can find useful information/discussions on there (related to hobbies for example). I stay far away from shit like r/politics though, because...Goddamn is it ridiculous.

Yeah I agree man, but I'm still amazed (in a bad way) at liberals' ability to bring their TDS into almost everything on reddit, including an over the top amount in non-politics threads. The random bitching and moaning about Trump/conservatives/MAGA on there is so bad, you'll even notice other liberals mentioning to their TDS buddies that a given thread isn't political so there's no need to keep finding excuses to cry about Trump lmao


Lord Nagafen Raider
My motivation is usually zapped by Wednesdays, before the end of the day, srs
Yeah, mine runs out pretty quick - and I'm probably similar. I've just been extra burnt out with the tedium as of late. I've had a lot of shit jobs in the past, so I know I actually have it really good now (and in the grand scheme of things my job really isn't bad), but...the soul sucking tedium can still be brutal regardless.


Molten Core Raider
They pulled the plug on us sometime yesterday morning. The forums had been glitching on and off (mostly on) since 8/26, so we all congregated to a single chat thread similar to this one to keep the conversation going. Well when I woke up to take a chit yesterday, misc was still up. Then about 10am at work I tried to refresh the forum and got hit with’s “we’re moving on” landing page. Fkin scumbags gave us no warning. They deleted years and years of content on a forum that was still being used by hundreds of users daily and thousands per month srs. Worst part is for the last couple weeks they had been telling users in emails that the forums were being worked on. Literally the day before someone from corporate said they’d reach out as soon as they would be restored. Phaggots were trolling us the entire time. killed my community and now they’re dead to me.

In all fairness, didn't we all always joke about how the misc's ending would probably be a random unplugging without any warning? They didn't give us a true warning, you are correct about that. But the glitching bullshit going on for a fucking month straight, then their removal of the forum tab from the main site made it pretty obvious what was happening. Frankly, the writing was on the wall after that 2 week outage earlier this year, there was zero chance a place with so little priority given to it was going to be in their long-term plans as a company.

We also tend to forget that the current is completely different from the founders of the company from decades ago. I doubt ownership cared about the forums much at all beyond about 2010. I mean, I personally haven't bought a supplement from their online shop since maybe 2016, and I never bought a ton of them. I doubt the forums generated revenue in a long time, hence why they were happy to get rid of it.

Honestly, the only real surprise is how it lasted as long as it did. It's a miracle that it went much longer past covid, or how it lasted through all of the illegal shit wincel and perhaps a couple others were posting in late-2020 to early-2021 that made them turn it private. That right there to me seemed like a great time for management to consider yanking the plug, yet they chose to put up with wincel for a few more fuckin years instead lol


Molten Core Raider
Revive the Hillary Duff thread !

I also think Hillary Duff is hot, but that thread was honestly kind of retarded. She doesn't have the GOAT ass by any stretch (it's good, but it's not amazing), and it was kind of indictive about how easily entertained some miscers were for that thread to go on for years like it did.