Misc Refugee Thread


what Suineg set it to
What are these message I keep getting about having earned Latinum? What is Latinum?
It's shitty Internet platinum. You get 10 a day and it let's you buy pass to see Pol section eventually. It's a way to keep bots crawlers and journos out.
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Mr. Poopybutthole
Well some people were there a long time and had a significant emotional investment so it's reasonable for them to be bothered by the site shutting down...

For shit posters like me, I have been running "This is the end..." as my user title for years because I could not understand why kept the forum alive!
I was a 2009 join date, so not sure what you're getting at. Misc has been dead for at least 5 years.
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<Gold Donor>
yea a former programmer it dude from posted in the discord months ago cliffs the code is in shambles everything breaks if u touch it, the people who knew how to navigate it are long gone, didnt leave notes or anything for the next people

As someone who has been on FoH and the prior iterations for about 10+ years, I want to thank you for the context behind the largest influx of new users I have ever seen.

I have tried to engage all of you with who are you?.gif , with some success to my surprise!

Welcome and I hope y'all do decide stick around.

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Molten Core Raider

Solid assessment and I suspect that some of the resistance here is mostly borne out of doing what all of us humans like to do - stick with the familiar...

I try to remind myself that two years ago, FoH gave me a good place to go in case shit the bed; two years later, here we are and I remain grateful!

Yeah dude, I'm with you there. I didn't post much until 8/26, but I'm glad I came here 2 years early. Made me feel not totally unfamiliar with a place to hang kind of similar to what we were used to with the misc. And the features and mods are cool here, it seems like they actually care about the site and want it to do well. I wouldn't be on any forums at all right now if not here
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As someone who has been on FoH and the prior iterations for about 10+ years, I want to thank you for the context behind the largest influx of new users I have ever seen.

I have tried to engage all of you with who are you?.gif , with some success to my surprise!

Welcome and I hope y'all do decide stick around.

Unsuccessful here didn't read your gif srs
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  • 1Picard
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The Mongler

Blackwing Lair Raider
Yeah dude, I'm with you there. I didn't post much until 8/26, but I'm glad I came here 2 years early. Made me feel not totally unfamiliar with a place to hang kind of similar to what we were used to with the misc. And the features and mods are cool here, it seems like they actually care about the site and want it to do well. I wouldn't be on any forums at all right now if not here
I have a hard time getting used to all the mega threads like this one but nothing lasts forever so onward and upward
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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
Yeah dude, I'm with you there. I didn't post much until 8/26, but I'm glad I came here 2 years early. Made me feel not totally unfamiliar with a place to hang kind of similar to what we were used to with the misc. And the features and mods are cool here, it seems like they actually care about the site and want it to do well. I wouldn't be on any forums at all right now if not here


The Krackerjacked Krackerjacked not posting here thing kind of mystifies me because I distinctly remember him posting here more than a lot of other miscers during the early days of this thread. Oh well, maybe someday I guess

Other priorities breh...
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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>
As someone who has been on FoH and the prior iterations for about 10+ years, I want to thank you for the context behind the largest influx of new users I have ever seen.

I have tried to engage all of you with who are you?.gif , with some success to my surprise!

Welcome and I hope y'all do decide stick around.

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  • 2Worf
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