Misc Refugee Thread


Molten Core Raider

In honor of gwg77

In honor of B Bodhy , Ministeroflust Ministeroflust , Phil9IQ, and NYPatricia:

wrestlemania x-seven wrestling GIF by WWE
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Molten Core Raider

i think they gonna get cancelled for posting links to rhoids from india

theres already like 4 bullet points i see being broken, theres even pedo stuff and porn stuff, why is there a thread about a porn star and a 13yr old?

Misc had more disgusting characters like MinisterOfChildLust and monsterpeed0 than I care to remember, and they did jack shit to rid the misc of them. The mods there were more concerned about banning people who hurt their feelings (even though the mods had seldom posted themselves in years) off some emotional nonsense than they did ridding the place of a guy who bragged about stalking kids on Roblox (MOCL), and a guy who bragged about how he compared 14 year old girls to adult women and viewed them as completely the same (monsterpeed0). It doesn't surprise me that freaks like that are trolling an alternative forum an actual miscer made in good faith, but just doesn't have the resources to keep out the filth, especially with the extremely low vetting process MM has taken to the startup. Blows my mind that there exist actual quality former miscers electing to try siffing through that bs than just come here, but that's up to them I guess
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This is the end...
<Gold Donor>

i think they gonna get cancelled for posting links to rhoids from india

theres already like 4 bullet points i see being broken, theres even pedo stuff and porn stuff, why is there a thread about a porn star and a 13yr old?

No good deed goes unpunished...

The guy who set it up is hopefully smart enough to get away! Of course, he got emotionally scarred and abused by his Chinesium GF so maybe not!
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Golden Knight of the Realm
No good deed goes unpunished...

The guy who set it up is hopefully smart enough to get away! Of course, he got emotionally scarred and abused by his Chinesium GF so maybe not!
I just had a convo with him where he was defending wincel to be a "good guy" that just happened to piss people off for no reason.
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JunkiesNetwork Donor
I'm also open the possibility I'll adjust to this format and end up preferring it. Although, I created a thread yesterday where it's own topic actually made sense and someone came in immediately criticizing it. My current position is misc did not merge threads enough, while this forum over-indexes on it (or over-generalizes might be a better framing).
Don't let some of the grumpy old bastards around here deter you. It takes a lot to actually get out of line here.
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
I'm also open the possibility I'll adjust to this format and end up preferring it. Although, I created a thread yesterday where it's own topic actually made sense and someone came in immediately criticizing it. My current position is misc did not merge threads enough, while this forum over-indexes on it (or over-generalizes might be a better framing).

It wasn't always like that here, but I'm not sure when things changed.

I remember there being a ton of short 'spam' topics 20 or so years ago. Some posted by bored people trolling, some legit. But there were more threads, and enough activity at times that things scrolled off of their respective 1st pages frequently.

We've always had some megathreads, though, at least as far back as I can remember. Like Screenshots, PGT, etc

You can always post new threads. Feel free. But there's's almost a tradition immediately jump into a new thread and say something like "TO THE RICKSHAW!". Because back when there were so many spam threads, the dumbest threads got moved to the Rickshaw and the OPs kind of got shamed for it. So it doesn't necessarily mean that the thread has no's just old bloods trying to be funny. If your thread is legit, then just power through it. And if you post a thread that's pertinent to the BB posters, they can just post in it and ignore the people panning it. They'll get bored and move on.

There's also the Ask AMOD thread if you have an actual complaint (if it's stupid you will probably be trolled) or if you just feel like mildly trolling LRR and the AMODs by starting stupid discussions in there.

Obviously, keep the NSFW and (serious) trolling to the NSFW portion of the forums.

Also, don't post music videos in the POL thread. No idea why that's such a hard line but whatever. I'm half tempted to go post now, myself, just to be a dick, LOL
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Also, someone is still salty...

It's always so fucking WILD to see the fuckers who have no friends, no ability to socialize, and can't ever seem to find a community to belong to, just whine and cry nonstop abut the abuse they get while insulting everyone that doesn't like them.

it's like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

And he was the poop smasher? Just loooooool
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Here's a snippet of a format thread you may find helpful

View attachment 547154

Too bad Imgur is fucking weaponized AIDS and a huge PITA to use here most of the time.

They even went back and changed legacy animated GIF files to MP4 format, if memory serves.

It's one of those deals where I'm sure we could scrounge up the cash to 'fix' the Imgur issue, but then Imgur would just go and change something again a month later and all of that work would just end up being broken again (IMHO as someone who doesn't know anything about that shit)
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<Prior Amod>
He claimed she worked in a rub and tug...
was he being tugged when he asked her out? wth

is it really that difficult for you white ppl to go into chinatown and walk into the public library?, every chinatown has a library that your taxes pay for, might as well use it to pick up nerdy asian girls, bonus if you have an eyeglass fetish.

i was in chicago chinatown weeks ago and popped into the library, asians, asians reading 1000s of books, not wanking 1000s of dicks
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Silver Knight of the Realm

i think they gonna get cancelled for posting links to rhoids from india

theres already like 4 bullet points i see being broken, theres even pedo stuff and porn stuff, why is there a thread about a porn star and a 13yr old?
It's gonna get shut down for sure
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<Gold Donor>
It wasn't always like that here, but I'm not sure when things changed.

We've always had some megathreads, though, at least as far back as I can remember. Like Screenshots, PGT, etc

One of the better FoH Megathreads is J49: An Erotic Life, for those newcomers looking to glimpse into the wild past

I took the liberty of finding the definitive summary post courtesy of Breakdown Breakdown

J49 Summary
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Molten Core Raider
I just had a convo with him where he was defending wincel to be a "good guy" that just happened to piss people off for no reason.

MiscMath man is openly letting wincel into his forum? Yeah, no. Fuck that shit. That just made me not even want to look at that forum. Dealt with it enough over the years on the actual misc; I'm not signing up to see that shit again now that it's gone. What a joke. More reason to appreciate what we have here, tbh.
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<Gold Donor>
MiscMath man is openly letting wincel into his forum? Yeah, no. Fuck that shit. That just made me not even want to look at that forum. Dealt with it enough over the years on the actual misc; I'm not signing up to see that shit again now that it's gone. What a joke. More reason to appreciate what we have here, tbh.

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