Misc Refugee Thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
*flies down to Savannah, Georgia*

srs, wtf was that shit anyway? And he did it for what, like 2 years and no end in sight? Next level mental illness lmao
It's the first and hopefully last time in my life that I feel like I experienced mental illness by proxy. The only person that could get Jaydawg and Dogkrack to agree on something, which is an accomplishment I guess.

Going Crazy Will Ferrell GIF
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Trakanon Raider
And just like Peggy, jimbob is a self correcting issue. I don't know how people with such low brainpower can function enough to use the internet.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
Remember this gem...JFL

View attachment 547546

inb4 gwg77 with the ranking of the autismo's uni!
Oh, I remember that one.
Bdy chicken nuggets hand 1.png

I'm not going to lie, miscord feels weird just allowing Bodhy to roam about.

Like Anachron said:
It's because you can't act like you're mentally handicapped in here without facing repercussions...

Did you see how Bodhy got banned?

He's not the only moron who didn't make it.
Hell, look at how Bodhy was let off a perma-ban and then kept getting his reps bumped by someone while continuing to mysteriously evade bans.
As much as there was some good stuff in the last couple of years the lack of moderation is what killed Misc Reformed is going down the same path. There are multiple people from the old Misc now there that their entire goal was only to disrupt. Get used to the mega thread concept here and you'll find this place is quite a bit more entertaining and actually informative.
The misc was in need of a purge, especially after they had closed it which at least kept out wincel and the Ron retard, only to reopen it for the spammers to quadruple down. If they weren't going to bother moderating or at least filtering, something that Luc1fer had to basically do via a third party tampermonkey script, then they should have continued to keep it locked from the public.

The main misc page was already a mess of new threads pushing decent discussions* into the abyss, but the no-life spammers exacerbated the problem.

*Which was made even worse after they got rid of some of the sub-forums like music and movies/TV for no sane reason.
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Trakanon Raider
Can't seem to delete posts or delete your account. I really don't need the aggro just for posting a picture & suddenly some idiot wants to turn it into a personal attack again-if I knew dickhead asshole Triceps was here I wouldn't have bothered registering. Report this then & get me banned.

NOPE - Amod
You're a pussy, guy. Always have been. You reap what you sow. If you weren't such a belligerent idiot on the misc, then your emotional ass would have avoided what just happened.
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Molten Core Raider
What was johnny obsessed with before he turned to obese women? As far as wincel goes, his mental illness was much worse than "occasional".
He would post about being a highschool chad with his many gfs and how the teachers would hit on him. His shtick wasn’t obsessive. Hard to recall after 1.5 years of daily fat women threads.
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Golden Squire
Can't seem to delete posts or delete your account. I really don't need the aggro just for posting a picture & suddenly some idiot wants to turn it into a personal attack again-if I knew dickhead asshole Triceps was here I wouldn't have bothered registering. Report this then & get me banned.

NOPE - Amod

No person with even a modicum of intelligence is buying that you posted a picture of Kamala with commentary on her attractiveness and had any intention other than to attract "aggro".

And the "Why bring politics into it? I said nothing about politics." comment...cmon bro.
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Annnnd, another one goes back to the mud.

28 day waiting policy for the pol section once again proving its worth.
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One reason I stuck around was to witness the implosions of miscers. They were interesting case studies. Michelle who may or may not have left her boyfriend to die in the snow, LukeLissan cracking, johnny switching gears to anti fat obsessed overdrive, wincels occasional insanity, Silence/Dusty trending further into insanity, gmiscer breaking character, and many more!

Johnny was a good poster tbh. Too many fat women around and it's getting worse. And for some reason they're always overconfident. I remember this fat woman with arms bigger than prime Arnold trying to get with me.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Johnny was a good poster tbh. Too many fat women around and it's getting worse. And for some reason they're always overconfident. Remember this fat woman with arms bigger than prime Arnold trying to get with me.
you can't be serious
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Molten Core Raider
Seeing people like jimbob show up here and act the way he did has actually been pretty interesting in its own weird way, tbh. Really shows who the biggest autists of the misc were when they can't be bothered to even attempt to make the slightest of adjustments in their behavior/style to fit in with a new place/crowd. Nope, just full steam ahead with the autism. Dudes remind me of the one weird cousin I had who would try to ruin family gatherings with literal autismo screeching all the way down the halls for all to hear, but as soon as something like his government checks or time on the XBox might be at stake he was suddenly able to get it together enough to get through whatever it was.
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