Misc Refugee Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm
Haha nice.

I'm currently playing Icarus through steam.

A couple hours after everyone goes to sleep so I can not think about anything for a minute.

Kids are 1 and 3 (about to be 4). Fuckers are relentless.
I totally get it it's a great distraction - that's why I like the old school RPGs too, cause I spend more of it just grinding cause it is mindless and then it makes the quest portions super easy cause I am usually going in several levels over what was expected
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Trakanon Raider
lol - Dragon Warrior 2 on my NES emulator - on the grind to level everyone to the max before taking on the final castle

Ever considered getting a Switch and getting Nintendo online? Their online overall has some flaws it really shouldn't, but one thing that's awesome about it is that it has rock solid libraries of classics to play for free streaming for NES, SNES, N64, Gameboy, and Gameboy Advance. Costs like $50 total for a one year subscription that includes all of that stuff + regular Switch online. It let's you save files and play just like the old days, but it's a lot nicer with modern gaming features and hardware. Pretty much 0 lag for the old school games up to N64 even if you use wi-fi from a room far from your router to connect.

Unless you don't have a Switch, in that case I'd just wait until next year to get the Switch 2 for the same thing instead. Switch 2 is rumored to be planned to be very backwards compatible with old Switch games and joycons, so that's pretty cool for those who arleady own a first gen Switch.
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I was just thinking about how I backdoored my way into a lifestyle that is probably not very common.

I have 50/50 custody of my kid so right off the bat, no kid half the time. And my wife spends 3 nights a week on the road for work - one of which is Friday night. So every week I have at least one night with my wife and kid, with just my wife, with just my kid, and alone (including every other Friday night being alone). Don't get me wrong, I wish my kid was there all the time and my wife home more often but I can't lie, the alone time is really fucking awesome too.

It's pretty therapeutic - especially at home, just being able to be in my house alone for an extended period of time is very relaxing. Also, it's advantageous that my wife enjoys that I am a degenerate and has no issue with me spending a Friday night alone smoking weed, watching porn, and playing video games

We talk about it quite a bit - we are both fiercely independent people and her time on the road definitely helps our relationship.
Similar way here. My gf (15 years together just not married) spends usually at least 1 night at her dad's per week just to help him out around the house and stuff cause he's old. So that's usually my degen night.

It's funny because both of our moms live in Florida, close to eachother coincidentally. Yet we almost never go visit our mom's together because one of us stays home with the dog. And though neither of us actually says it, I know we both really enjoy those weekends at the house to ourself with the doggo.

I have lived with other people my entire life, so having the house to myself for a weekend never really gets old to me lol.

Edit, no kids tho.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
they didn't have pumpkin spice?
are you like so excited for fall?

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Trakanon Raider
I totally get it it's a great distraction - that's why I like the old school RPGs too, cause I spend more of it just grinding cause it is mindless and then it makes the quest portions super easy cause I am usually going in several levels over what was expected
Icarus is a survival game but I play it the exactly how you described.

My best m8 live in Canada so really is functions as a glorified chat room where we can shoot the shit.
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Trakanon Raider
I totally get it it's a great distraction - that's why I like the old school RPGs too, cause I spend more of it just grinding cause it is mindless and then it makes the quest portions super easy cause I am usually going in several levels over what was expected

Reminds me of my two play throughs of the Super Mario RPG remake for the Switch. I grinded out to level 30 for all characters (the max level in that game) like halfway through the game and tore ass through the rest of it until the absolute final boss, which is a rematch of the first game's hardest boss Culex, but a 3D version and way harder. Whereas when I first played the orignal as a kid, I was having to play exceptionally well to win at the end with characters levels 21 - 23 because I had purposelly skipped battles to get to the end faster.


Golden Knight of the Realm
not as much as this bitch

did you ever heard the stories about those 12' skeletons the year they came out or got popular? suburban moms were blowing guys at Depot to get their hands on one
Icarus is a survival game but I play it the exactly how you described.

My best m8 live in Canada so really is functions as a glorified chat room where we can shoot the shit.
nice - that's awesome way to connect. my buddies from high school and I have been reconnecting more this summer than in a long time - actually talked about having a zoom call going during the baseball playoffs so we can all chat about the game live
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Trakanon Raider
did you ever heard the stories about those 12' skeletons the year they came out or got popular? suburban moms were blowing guys at Depot to get their hands on one

nice - that's awesome way to connect. my buddies from high school and I have been reconnecting more this summer than in a long time - actually talked about having a zoom call going during the baseball playoffs so we can all chat about the game live
You guys should do that.

It's easy to let friendships drift and fade away the older you get. Having just one or two good friends can make a huuuge difference.
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<Prior Amod>
did you ever heard the stories about those 12' skeletons the year they came out or got popular? suburban moms were blowing guys at Depot to get their hands on one
having interacted w/ a few ppl at hd, good for them

i have 1 or 2 of these tryhards in my hood

and i say that only b/c we all have about the same house, and i find storage pretty difficult, where the hell are they storing a skelle the other 10months?
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Golden Knight of the Realm
You guys should do that.

It's easy to let friendships drift and fade away the older you get. Having just one or two good friends can make a huuuge difference.
we went to a game this year - we (obviously?) grew up in Cleveland and two are currently living in Cincy, another outside of Atlanta, and I'm in Philly. The two guys in Cincy realized that the Guardians were playing the Reds on my birthday so we all ended up at the game and drinking all night in a hotel - was the first time the four of us were together since the last one's wedding about ten years ago. Now it's a goal to do it yearly.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
having interacted w/ a few ppl at hd, good for them

i have 1 or 2 of these tryhards in my hood

and i say that only b/c we all have about the same house, and i find storage pretty difficult, where the hell are they storing a skelle the other 10months?
the amount of money Americans spend on storage lockers is astounding to me - especially when so many are paying to essentially store stuff they could have thrown out and rebought ten times over for the cost of the locker over time.
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Trakanon Raider
having interacted w/ a few ppl at hd, good for them

i have 1 or 2 of these tryhards in my hood

and i say that only b/c we all have about the same house, and i find storage pretty difficult, where the hell are they storing a skelle the other 10months?
Storage facility.

I have a garage full of autumn, christmas, and easter decorations stored at a facility. My wife loves deocrating for the holidays/seasons.

I get the pleasure of lugging it back and forth. Not gonna lie though it's nice for christmas.
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Trakanon Raider
the amount of money Americans spend on storage lockers is astounding to me - especially when so many are paying to essentially store stuff they could have thrown out and rebought ten times over for the cost of the locker over time.
Jfl if you think I am getting dragged into extensive decoration shopping every year.

I'll gladly pay to store what she has alreasy collected.
fuck that ice cube GIF
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Golden Knight of the Realm
Jfl if you think I am getting dragged into extensive decoration shopping every year.

I'll gladly pay to store what she has alreasy collected.
fuck that ice cube GIF
at least your stuff gets used - there's a lot of stuff people will never use again they pay to store. My neighbor was paying $100/mo to store his wife's shoe collection and some clothes and they hadn't gone there in over a year. I said why not sell it all instead? Turns our her shit is all "retro" now, she got a couple hundred for some old concert tees and she is obsessed with selling stuff on ebay now

I was reading the reddit thread that Lanx Lanx shared and someone mentioned that their neighbor waits till after the holiday and buys all the decorations for 90% off and uses them the following year
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<Prior Amod>
Storage facility.

I have a garage full of autumn, christmas, and easter decorations stored at a facility. My wife loves deocrating for the holidays/seasons.

I get the pleasure of lugging it back and forth. Not gonna lie though it's nice for christmas.
i have 1 storage bin for xmas and it was b/c a coworker 20years ago came in and said, "hey you want all these lights and decorations? my wife doesn't use these anymore"(probably what you can do lulz)

and theyre nice decorations, theyre all in the box they came in (take out of box put back in box probably), all the lights work, i just spent a day untangling like 100lbs of lights, not complaining it was nice and free.

i don't hang lights on my house cuz fuck ladders (i have nice ladders, i'm just not gonna take the chance just to hang lights for santa)
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did you ever heard the stories about those 12' skeletons the year they came out or got popular? suburban moms were blowing guys at Depot to get their hands on one

nice - that's awesome way to connect. my buddies from high school and I have been reconnecting more this summer than in a long time - actually talked about having a zoom call going during the baseball playoffs so we can all chat about the game live
Me and some of my bros do discord parties for ufc and boxing fights.

We are fps gamers also so we will watch pro apex and call of duty and stuff sometimes

Video games have kept me in touch with alot of my bros over the years. I have met some random homies online too. A couple of years ago I attended the wedding of a homie I met playing call of duty in a random lobby lol.

Tbh gaming for me evolved into purely a social thing, I rarely play when my friends aren't online. The only game I play offline is deep rock galactic survivor or other mindless survival games.
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<Prior Amod>
Tbh gaming for me evolved into purely a social thing, I rarely play when my friends aren't online. The only game I play offline is deep rock galactic survivor or other mindless survival games.
you are on a website for a mmo that is 25years old
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