Misc Refugee Thread


Golden Knight of the Realm

You come to us.
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Silver Knight of the Realm
I was under the impression that Scrilla was just trolling. Huge if true.
With how it's going, it really could be 50/50.
Lol I told you guys that miscreformed stood absolutely zero chance with the likes of fucking wincel and the old liberal r/p misc groomers being loudly welcomed aboard there. Shit lasted as long as the real misc's pre-official shutdown glitch phase that began on 8/26 until full closure. I told you guys nobody on any halfway sane platform wants anything to do with those clowns, to the point where they will be quickly dropped as they were. The way the degenerate nature of the misc and useless misc moderating style there simply blinded many miscers as to what kind of things other less retarded platforms would consider tolerating.
It's inevitable because it takes some real effort to keep out the wincels and other miscspergers... or you know, just close it off from the public entirely. At least during the invisible misc/no new entries period, there weren't a barrage of alts and ron posts.
Hopping back on the FrogTech

View attachment 548650

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Hopping back on the FrogTech.

I decided to check out the MiscReformed before it shuts down. Nice to see I got into someone's head enough to impersonate me.

View attachment 548650
It's hard to believe half of the people there are actually who they say they are.

To me it seemed like most of the alt accounts went there and continued to alt account. And some took the opportunity to impersonate others for some reason.

It takes an incredibly sad and boring life to sit there and alt account on a dead forum

With no way to really verify people idk it's just a crap shoot of who is actually there.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
It's hard to believe half of the people there are actually who they say they are.

To me it seemed like most of the alt accounts went there and continued to alt account. And some took the opportunity to impersonate others for some reason.

It takes an incredibly sad and boring life to sit there and alt account on a dead forum

With no way to really verify people idk it's just a crap shoot of who is actually there.
I have a feeling that will be an issue at lockdev lockdev 's new misc as well

speaking of which lockdev lockdev - just an fyi the new misc is already blocked at my office, just says "content filtering"
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Trakanon Raider
With how it's going, it really could be 50/50.

It's inevitable because it takes some real effort to keep out the wincels and other miscspergers... or you know, just close it off from the public entirely. At least during the invisible misc/no new entries period, there weren't a barrage of alts and ron posts.


Yeah man, the misc going invisible to the public and cutting off new users from March 2021 - July 2022 was the only thing they'd done in a long time to make it more palatable as a platform overall, as shitty as it was it had to be that way. Then it immediately devolved back into a giant douche and turd sandwich festival when they did their "The legendar misc is back!" grand reopening. That was the most predictable shit I've seen play out in a long time.

In any case, I'm glad to see all of these solid miscers showing up here lately. If we can keep getting a bit more, this place will become better to me than the misc ever was by virtue of how they keep the fucking degenerate filth out of here while letting the quality miscers join and hang.
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Sweet baby Jesus.....What an evening we had.

Legz is back
Muzzlepress alt banned
Shitty Misc alt page being shut down
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Trakanon Raider
It me! Srs!

And until I figure out how to multi quote hi to everyone who said hello! Don't want to spam up the thread with a ton of posts.

^ If this is a troll and not the real Legz, then it's a far better troll performance than any impersonating bullshit I saw from the forever almaxxers on the misc.

100% not legz

If that's not the real Legz, then I'm not the real NL7


Golden Knight of the Realm
Not much. My kids are going to sleep over at grandma's house, so I'll probably go to the range and zero my VP9L's RDS and bang my wife
lol I just said to my wife we should ask if my kid can go to her friend's for a sleepover tomorrow so we can fuck proper
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what Suineg set it to
- installing wi-fi remotely controlled heater in my dog's house for winter

- gearing up the lawn for fall/winter

- outdoor house work projects

- local work for GOP campaigns

How about you, mane?

I can dig it. Have to respect the commitment to the cause despite near constant disappointment.
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Trakanon Raider
I can dig it. Have to respect the commitment to the cause despite near constant disappointment.

Thanks man. Bro, it's a fucking pain in the ass trying to get anything done with this, but I'm going to keep trying my damndest with how I can. I've always told people the GOP needs to get its shit together on the ground level of politics, so I feel a need to commit to that on a personal level and actually do something. Otherwise I'd be just one more asshole bitching about a problem I perceive while doing nothing about it.


Trakanon Raider
Not much. My kids are going to sleep over at grandma's house, so I'll probably go to the range and zero my VP9L's RDS and bang my wife

CT has the test of a thousand liberal twinks. That's a conservative estimate, of course. Mirin.
lol I just said to my wife we should ask if my kid can go to her friend's for a sleepover tomorrow so we can fuck proper
Good lucl with that, brah.
- installing wi-fi remotely controlled heater in my dog's house for winter

- gearing up the lawn for fall/winter

- outdoor house work projects

- local work for GOP campaigns

How about you, mane?
Nice. Always feels good to get some of those seasonal projects tackled.

I dunno what we're going to do. We had some loose plans but my FIL got picked up by the EMT this morning (he was able to walk himself to the gurney so it doesn't seem too bad). We'll grt an update hopefully late morning-early afternoon..

I already put away all the summer stuff. Maybe I'll go get the harvest decorations out of storage. Lol
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Trakanon Raider
CT has the test of a thousand liberal twinks. That's a conservative estimate, of course. Mirin.

Good lucl with that, brah.

Nice. Always feels good to get some of those seasonal projects tackled.

I dunno what we're going to do. We had some loose plans but my FIL got picked up by the EMT this morning (he was able to walk himself to the gurney so it doesn't seem too bad). We'll grt an update hopefully late morning-early afternoon..

I already put away all the summer stuff. Maybe I'll go get the harvest decorations out of storage. Lol

Shit man, sorry to hear about your FIL. Here's to hoping for whatever the issue is turns out to be not too big of a deal in the end.
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