Misc Refugee Thread


Trakanon Raider
Definitely wasn't lol

Damn. He's currently trying to get early access to lockdev lockdev newmisc forum, not sure if he will steal your username again (just an FYI).

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Trakanon Raider
refugee checking in

good to see you brahs
Nicolas Cage Wink GIF
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Trakanon Raider
Damn. He's currently trying to get early access to lockdev lockdev newmisc forum, not sure if he will steal your username again (just an FYI).

Read the end of this post:

Sounds coherent snd reasonable enough to be CT. Kinda had me fooled.

They're evolving.
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Trakanon Raider
Damn. He's currently trying to get early access to lockdev lockdev newmisc forum, not sure if he will steal your username again (just an FYI).

Read the end of this post:

I don't really care. If someone wants to register using my name, then so be it. I'm not going to make any effort to join a misc offshoot. I really don't want to get caught in the bullshit that comes with dealing with those incel lunatics.
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Trakanon Raider
Oh. I did not see that. Lol

"...a nsfw alarm."

Lmfao I can't see CT ever typing that.

Yeah I thought that was odd. Lol.
I don't really care. If someone wants to register using my name, then so be it. I'm not going to make any effort to join a misc offshoot. I really don't want to get caught in the bullshit that comes with dealing with those incel lunatics.

I kinda had a feeling you were leaning that way, just wanted to give you a heads up just in case.
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Aw fuck

Weirdly good to see you fuckboys
Good to see you Coal Man

Back at u boyos.

Had this thread bookmarked since the previous shutdown, randomly decided to check on it today cuz I was missing the misc. Scrolled back some pages and saw familiar names, esp SirFapsAlot SirFapsAlot calling me out. Had to answer the call.

Lol tho, only today I looked at the overall forum and saw a bunch of threads with dudes talking just like miscers. What even is this place?
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Back at u boyos.

Had this thread bookmarked since the previous shutdown, randomly decided to check on it today cuz I was missing the misc. Scrolled back some pages and saw familiar names, esp SirFapsAlot SirFapsAlot calling me out. Had to answer the call.

Lol tho, only today I looked at the overall forum and saw a bunch of threads with dudes talking just like miscers. What even is this place?
From my short time here I have gathered that it's like the misc but replace bodybuilder nerd bros with mmo nerd bros

Anyhoo Watched like 4 episodes in a row of the Vince McMahon thing on Netflix. It's really good, lots of nostalgia and lots of crazy stuff i never knew about rasslin
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What do you busters have planned for this weekend?

Friday Yes GIF by ProBit Global
I was supposed to get together with my BFF of 30+ years for the first time in forever, but she had to cancel. Hopefully next weekend. I'll be doing some cleaning, rotting and gym Sunday.

CT has the test of a thousand liberal twinks. That's a conservative estimate, of course. Mirin.

Good lucl with that, brah.

Nice. Always feels good to get some of those seasonal projects tackled.

I dunno what we're going to do. We had some loose plans but my FIL got picked up by the EMT this morning (he was able to walk himself to the gurney so it doesn't seem too bad). We'll grt an update hopefully late morning-early afternoon..

I already put away all the summer stuff. Maybe I'll go get the harvest decorations out of storage. Lol
So sorry about your FIL! I hope he will be ok!

She has like 7 or 8 30gal totes of christmas stuff, plus a bunch of stuff that does not fit in totes.

If I am in a storage garage listening to a podcast instead of inside a Hobby Lobby listening to the chatter of women and "All I Want for Christmas" piped through the speakers, I am winning.

lol Sounds like me. I have soooooo much Christmas stuff. Thankfully it all fit in my bf's attic.

I know it's exhausting but I miss having kids that age around

Same. It's def nice having an adult kid but darn do I miss some of those times when he was little. I'm so ready to be a grandmother but he's just got to get a little older before that happens.
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i just got out if the hospital like 20 minutes ago.went on a huge booze bender.i got alcohol poisoning.thought i was gonna die.had to hook me up to an IV.the whole nine. anything happen while i was gone?

Glad you're doing ok! Sounds scary!

Game Of Thrones GIF

What is piss may never die
Hey Coalman!

Legz422 Legz422 not saying you gotta take new pics, just recycle some of the old ones that had been shared before...
Sorry can't do it. I'm old fashioned. Won't post any pics when in a relationship and plus my bf is not a cuck so wouldn't want me to post pics on a male dominated forum.

refugee checking in

good to see you brahs
Hey there boyo!
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