Misc Refugee Thread


Lord Nagafen Raider
If I'm just being fair, having avis turned on to actually display in manual user settings on the misc was 100% at least semi-home erotic, imo. I had avis turned off the last 8 years or so I misced. It legit made it a different experience judging people off just their names and posts rather than constantly seeing a small sea of half naked men taking selfies for the sake of showing them off to other men online while demanding that said men share similar half naked photos with them lest they be chastised for not partaking. Then those very same men who joined in on the half naked selfies sharing would go around calling any man who would not gay for it - that is, unless they had lower reps than someone who didn't, then they'd say nothing because they were scared of having their reps lowered. "Your gay if you won't show me half naked pics of you while you look at mine, bro!"
I largely agree, but since it was a bodybuilding forum - there is a certain level of obligation in SOME cases (if you're going to talk shit -like NYpat kept doing to JUSA for example).

Faggot wincel (and at least a couple others) kept accusing me of being bald (I'm not even close), whenever he got butthurt, based off of some old navy pics when I was shaving my head. That fat nerd would have never dared to upload a pic of himself.
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Lord Nagafen Raider

EDIT : no, I don't date just anyone or have sexual relations outside of marriage. I am celibate until I find the right girl to marry.
That explains alot.

Triple H Yes GIF by WWE
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Trakanon Raider
Yea hammer had a lot of street connections and was really about it, remember when he signed to death row?
I only heard about that recently. In my childhood memories MC Hammer was the "Can't Touch This" and "Hammer Time" guy. I was way too young to end up following his career.

He's in the same category as Vanilla Ice in terms of personal significance.
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Trakanon Raider
I largely agree, but since it was a bodybuilding forum - there is a certain level of obligation in SOME cases (if you're going to talk shit -like NYpat kept doing to JUSA for example).

Faggot wincel (and at least a couple others) kept accusing me of being bald (I'm not even close), whenever he got butthurt, based off of some old navy pics when I was shaving my head. That fat nerd would have never dared to upload a pic of himself.

I agree, but I relate what you just said to people who demanded pics of women guys were supposedly banging. There were always miscers trying to demand pics of wives and gf's just for them being mentioned by someone. The demand for pics of women was only ever valid in my mind when it was asking for proof of a miscer's claims that they were banging some insanely hot chick we were all supposed to be jelly about.

Big goobaaa

Bronze Knight of the Realm
This is 100% the truth

This morning after doing some things, I went to walmart to get a breakfast tater keg and a few things. Had about 15-20 items.

When I was done, I was walking towards the exit, pushing my cart behind a black woman and her 2 teenage boys. The walmart greeter did not stop the white family that preceeded her, but when she got to the exit, the walmart greeter asked for her receipt, and, I am not lying to you, actually went through her receipt and inspecting her cart to see if everything was OKAY. Took like a minute.

Then when it was my turn, he just smiled at me, and motioned for me to keep going, didn't even ask for my receipt


What kinda bitch stops for the Walmart workers lmao

just keep walking by them you ain’t gotta show them chit
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Blackwing Lair Raider
I only heard about that recently. In my childhood memories MC Hammer was the "Can't Touch This" and "Hammer Time" guy. I was way too young to end up following his career.

He's in the same category as Vanilla Ice in terms of personal significance.
Ice Is down with the clown

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Lord Nagafen Raider
What kinda bitch stops for the Walmart workers lmao

just keep walking by them you ain’t gotta show them chit

I think the policy is that if you have something unbagged, then they are supposed to insist you show a receipt. I seldom go to a Walmart anymore (I have a Kroger and Aldi that are much more convenient), but I remember this being the case. I would never just stop for the hell of it, and I live in a place full of ghetto "diversity", so they wouldn't typically pay me much mind. I'll show a receipt if they absolutely insist though.
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Bronze Knight of the Realm
Back at u boyos.

Had this thread bookmarked since the previous shutdown, randomly decided to check on it today cuz I was missing the misc. Scrolled back some pages and saw familiar names, esp SirFapsAlot SirFapsAlot calling me out. Had to answer the call.

Lol tho, only today I looked at the overall forum and saw a bunch of threads with dudes talking just like miscers. What even is this place?
dude great to see you here!!!

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