Misc Refugee Thread


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Accuses FOH of sending people over to troll, as if it's some sort of nuclear option

The trolling is low-quality spam that any 12yo could manage

I'm pretty disappointed, TBH
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Il_Duce Lightning Lord Rule

Lightning Fast
<Charitable Administrator>
Just when I think this thread can't get any dumber, something like the last few pages happens ...

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Golden Knight of the Realm
Yeah, not in touch with any female miscers off the actual forum or discords. SS had Kimms email and emailed her to try to get her to join her discord but hasn't heard back. I had tried to get Kimm to join the R/P discord server a while ago but she never did.

I let Deadlystryker know he's been summoned.
well fuck.right before shit went down i gave kimm my reall address.we were gonna send each other cookies. ded srs. i feel hurt.ded fkn srs
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<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
well fuck.right before shit went down i gave kimm my reall address.we were gonna send each other cookies. ded srs. i feel hurt.ded fkn srs

@Suineg once told us he's mail us Cakepops.

Then we found out he was giving pain meds to Lori/Ravenn "in their time of need" (long story), and apparently he also admitted to having a "piss fetish" while I was away from the forum for an extended period (I never did hear that complete story).

Then a couple of our resident trolls decided it would be a good idea to reach out to his CoC in the Marine Corps, to try smearing him due to 'adult' content on the forum, which IIRC he was running at the time? Pretty sure LRR came in after that.

Needless to say, we did not receive our cakepops.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
this is how rumors start. Ana (I like u bro) is not correctly defining defence. go through the evidence rather than collectively bandwagon. i did not defend him. i would only ever defend an innocent person who was wronged
well im sorry if i jumped to a lost drunk miscer at the crossroads.dont take offense.but i gotta vendetta with him.sorry if i made a mistake


Golden Knight of the Realm
@Suineg once told us he's mail us Cakepops.

Then we found out he was giving pain meds to Lori/Ravenn "in their time of need" (long story), and apparently he also admitted to having a "piss fetish" while I was away from the forum for an extended period (I never did hear that complete story).

Then a couple of our resident trolls decided it would be a good idea to reach out to his CoC in the Marine Corps, to try smearing him due to 'adult' content on the forum, which IIRC he was running at the time? Pretty sure LRR came in after that.

Needless to say, we did not receive our cakepops.
uh,say what? i dont get what the fuk you just said.all i saw was pain pills and im intrigued


<WoW Guild Officer>
<Gold Donor>
Sorry, I'm having a migraine right now and can't sleep.

Suineg was a former forum admin.

Lori/Ravv got hooked on drugs and I think Suineg was honestly trying to help (??) and gave her some of his pain meds on the side

The piss fetish thing I missed when it happened. I have no idea how came up (but LOL)

The whole thing with people trying to smear him with his chain of command over forum stuff was really stupid. Both of them were permabanned after that. That was fucked up; could have ended his military career.

There's other folks around here that know more.

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Lord Nagafen Raider
You have to be a Biden voter to be that stupid. And we already see they only vote for who they are told to vote for.

Socrates and Plato were calling out the stupidity of Democracy nearly 2500 years ago (yes I know we aren't technically a Democracy at the federal level, if you want to split hairs, but the point still stands). Imagine if they could see things today.
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Golden Knight of the Realm
oh fuck fucks sakes i just fucking pm up with stuff i .can someone just try to get me in touch with kimm? she knows why and we are friends.pretty sure she wont mindnot saying here but i can imaginte that dumbsterfire over there.


Best of luck on your site dude, there are some cool miscer OGs over there, but embracing one or more people who could be featured on To Catch A Predator isn't something I want to be associated with. I don't see the site gaining a lot of quality membership, or seeing long term activity because of a few bad seeds and you may end up drawing in the wrong crowd. That said, hopefully I'm wrong and you do well, but FOH is super active, has a ton of variety, ton of interaction and great features, reminds me of MISC when it was still poppin' (fast MISC is fast days)

Appreciate the kind words brah. srs.

I'm not one to judge others. I've done a lot of terrible things in my life(ded fkn srs) and I know it takes all types to make the world go round.

NewMisc welcomes everyone who plays by the rules we have up. Unfortunately that policy is not all sunshine and rainbows, and will attract some "off" types.

Misc has been, and likely forever will be, a place that has attracts some of those "off" types.

At the same time, I respect anyone who doesn't feel comfortable being associated with some of that craziness, so no hard feelings at all. srs.
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Lord Nagafen Raider
Socrates and Plato were calling out the stupidity of Democracy nearly 2500 years ago (yes I know we aren't technically a Democracy at the federal level, if you want to split hairs, but the point still stands). Imagine if they could see things today.
why would they have an issue with it? (discussion question not inflammatory)


<Gold Donor>
why would they have an issue with it? (discussion question not inflammatory)
To speed run Socrates, Democracy always becomes communism, because people are retarded. The most fundamentally important part of any voting system is that you prevent retards from voting. Obviously this means banning women, and then letting men vote strictly by merit.

Therefore, the best form of government is a dictatorship with a meritorious person in charge. This is why the US was founded as a meritorious republic, and explains Roman forms of government.

Sadly, not everyone is Cincinnatus.
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