Levels of Stupid
Slightly separate from those reactions, there’s also this concept I came up with: The Levels of Stupid. Everyone loves calling other people stupid on the internet. They just do. The trouble is how stupid is someone really? Well now you can tell them! This is partially inspired by the early 20th century ‘levels of mental disability’ that had names such as Idiot and Moron that were descriptive of a condition and not just general insults as they are today.
Each reaction represents 1 level up on the stupidity hierarchy, and will be presented in order in the reaction menu.
Potato –The lowest level. You can’t go into stupidity negatives, but Potatoes just can’t help trying. This is the same reaction that's been there for a while now, with the same costs and values as before.
Imbecile –The second level of stupid, indicating someone slightly more capable than a potato. This reaction is worth 0 reaction score and is free for all registered users in the forums that it applies to.
Moron -The third level of stupid, indicating someone more capable than an imbecile, but still not aspiring to the level of merely slow. This reaction is worth 0 reaction score and is free for all registered users in the forums that it applies to.
Slow –The fourth level of stupid, indicating someone who just can’t seem to keep up. This reaction is worth 0 reaction score and is free for all registered users in the forums that it applies to.
NPC –The fifth level of stupid, this is indicative of someone with average and easily programmable intelligence levels. This reaction is worth 0 reaction score and is free for all registered users in the forums that it applies to.
Midwit –The sixth level of stupid. They’re certainly above an NPC, but they’re not nearly as smart as they think they are. This reaction is worth 0 reaction score and is free for all registered users in the forums that it applies to.
Genius! -The seventh level of stupid. I bet you could build a suit of armor. Out of spare parts. In a cave! This reaction is worth +1 reaction score and costs 2 Heaven Points.
GalaxyBrain -The eighth level of stupid. It’s a good thing this level of brilliance is contained in your skull, imagine if it wasn’t! This reaction is worth +2 reaction score and is free for all registered users in the forums that it applies to.