I kind of know that young people these days are retarded, but as I don't meet a lot of them I just have to ask for examples. If only to lulz.
I don't really have any epic "blow your socks off" examples. It's more of an everyday common sense, basic knowledge thing. They are glued to their phones, it's basically a permanent attachment. They have, either as a consequence or in parallel completely lost the ability to have basic conversations of any, even remotely intelligent, format. They idolize and value shit like Kim Cardassion or whatever the fuck her name is. The concept of human value has no place. Their vocabulary is shit, and this is coming from a guy who uses the word "fuck" as a comma in most friend to fiend dialogue. The sense of entitlement is so insanely strong I'm not even sure how to describe it. It starts with "I can't believe my parents did/did not do....." all the way up to bitching about work and other things in life that are not fair. And everyone bitches about something, I get it, but it's miles beyond what my friends and I ever did. Basic education and history are completely lost to them. Seriously it feels like the motivation in life is to get popular, dress nice, drink/smoke, and then stupid shit like "yolo" or "don't be basic".
The fucking hilarious part about all of that is they don't even live the fantasy epic life they whine on about. And I seriously wonder what their plan is at 30 or 40. You still gonna be folding t-shirts at american eagle? Hey, you got the new iphone though! Gonna marry that kid from down the street and both be fantastic loosers together? I probably sound like an old grump about it or maybe overly harsh, but the reality is just the the median age of "getting your fucking shit together" has risen. Generations ago you were taking over the farm at 12 after daddy died from gangrene, my parents generation had figured it out by 17-20, I came around to "maturity" around the same, maybe slight shift 18-22, but now it seems like we skipped this huge fucking gap and it's like 26+ or never.
However, that rant aside there are insanely positive things about the very same attitude that create their uselessness. Where shall I begin? Girls are fucking earlier and earlier and not just that, fucking proud of it. It's no longer that you're a whore if you hook up. It's a contest, the same as it used to be for guys. They brag about the shit they do and who they are with. I feel like girls have been raised to view their body as a "tool" to control and land men. They are hot and KNOW they are hot...and it's not like when we were in school where just the one girl who developed tits early flaunted it, they all do now. I feel like they have a deeper understanding of the pussy and it's power. Blowjobs are now a real thing. In general they love doing it and know it's a powerful behavioral tool to control us men. Also, cumplay is no longer gross or icky. The amount of time I've heard "anywhere but my eyes" is fantastic. On the same topic, anal is now a thing. I've actually been asked to pursue that without any hint or attempt on my own, god bless youth.
I will say this though, the "older" girls I've been with, let's define as perhaps 26+, are "better" in bed. No doubt looking at a young, tightly formed, all in place figure is fantastic, but older girls are so much better in general. Older girls know how to touch you better and they will actually touch you to get you hard again after cumming so you can fuck 2-3 more times. I've never had a young girl do that. They just stare at you like it's supposed to magically jump back up because they are a special snowflake, bitch put some effort in! You don't see me trying to shove my dick in your dry as vermouth taco without getting you a bit excited first. I've learned over the years on how to get that shit ready for entry. So yea, it's honestly a toss up.