I'm a divorced (black) father. I've worked my ass off my whole life to get to where I am and picked a wife who was a "good girl" within a few years of me and even came from good long-marriage Christian parents and she graduated from college. Now my ex is sleeping around with 3 guys that I know of, smoking drugs, partying and getting drunk when she doesn't have her custody week. She refused to work the job for which she got her degree in because "she doesn't like it" and instead works PART TIME at fucking Walmart and collects the child support I pay. She then goes back to her family and plays innocent and says I don't take care of, provide for or spend any time with my kids.
Because I choose to grow up I keep my mouth shut so long as the kids aren't seeing or experiencing any of this. They need as stable a home and positive upbringing as possible and a responsible working parent to teach them. I need as little drama as possible to secure their future as best I can and not have them turn into the stereotypical waste-of-space black kids. (Not all blacks are bad but blah blah blah you get the idea) We spend 3 days of the week outdoors or at the YMCA at a minimum. We garden every week I have them. All vacations outside of Indiana come from me. I'm at every parent-teacher conference and I have custodianship of where they go to school because I actually did the homework and picked the better school system when I bought my house here. I discipline them, read to them every night and have working name relationships with all of their teachers. Oh and I cook healthy meals and teach them how to do it. #Dadsthatcook.
So I am a fucking adult. I work hard to secure my career and financial future of myself and my children so I can continue to invest in their education and eventually worldly wisdom with exposure to all faucets of life outside of fucking Indiana. No partying. No damn way I have time to date and no fucking way am I introducing different women to my children. And very little time to form a solid friendship base outside of work for support (Manager can't be friends with my employees and all that).
I spend my free time improving my home and gardening because when my kids come home they love the garden and that teaches them all sorts of good values. 33 years old. Two great girls. Awesome fucking career. Dead as a cemetery house every other week.