saul had a flashback of him being busted on some serious charges and he begged his brother chuck to help him out. this was when he was still grafting as slippin jimmy.Now the question becomes: What happened 18-24 months ago that triggered this in Chuck and how much of that was Saul's fault? Saul did mention Chuck gets worse when something happens to him.
Also who would have thought that when they wanted to create a prequel series, Saul would be the most interesting character choice.This show has definitely proved that Vince Gilligan is definitely not a fluke. I'm thoroughly enjoying it.
I think some of his past exploits are more likely to blame.I just assumed that Saul was responsible somehow for his 'condition' which is why he gets everything for him, because he feels responsible.
lol. didnt he get electroshocked when they hijacked Pres Carters speech?I think some of his past exploits are more likely to blame.
Ummm ... I can't quite remember. It's been so damn long since I've seen it. I know he had that homemade, rechargeable pacemaker Squiggy put in his chest that looked like it still had wires and shit poking out. I need to watch it didnt he get electroshocked when they hijacked Pres Carters speech?
maybe the pacemaker was what i was thinking, i found that scene and no electroshock there. still a great scene though. looks like i am watching that movie again tonight.Ummm ... I can't quite remember. It's been so damn long since I've seen it. I know he had that homemade, rechargeable pacemaker Squiggy put in his chest that looked like it still had wires and shit poking out. I need to watch it again.
Not in the U.S. Actually it is near impossible to buy a one million dollar house in Albuquerque. 4 bedroom, 4 bath 2600+ square feet in the best neighborhood is only $850k (I just looked it up). And that is today, in the time period this show is in you couldn't even get that close. New Mexico is not Los Angeles or New York, it is fine.I wouldn't know exactly what the prices are, but it appears to be a fairly large home to live in alone, right? Definitely not a shack.
And isn't it remarkably inappropriate for a major partner in the most influental law firm in the city to live in anything less than a mansion?
Hope so, best episode of BB for me was the adventures in mexico with gus & mike.You know gus will be around soon or later
You're right, of course. I didn't mean to put so much emphasis on the million, I do assume he is living in one of the best districts of the city?Not in the U.S. Actually it is near impossible to buy a one million dollar house in Albuquerque. 4 bedroom, 4 bath 2600+ square feet in the best neighborhood is only $850k (I just looked it up). And that is today, in the time period this show is in you couldn't even get that close. New Mexico is not Los Angeles or New York, it is fine.