Better Call Saul


FPS noob
loved the episode, though I wonder how people who didn't watch Breaking Bad would view it - old guy had some weird shit in his life, oooookay? But man thinking back to Mike during BB, it hit me hard in the feels

every episode of BCS makes me wanna rewatch BB asap


Potato del Grande
I couldn't get into BB but BCS is great to me. I like these flashbacks so I can get more of the back story on these characters. I knew of them but not who they were or how they became what they did. Mike and Saul are pretty similar. Both are good people at heart but get into these shitty predicaments and have to do what will save their ass in the end.


Vyemm Raider
I couldn't get into BB but BCS is great to me. I like these flashbacks so I can get more of the back story on these characters. I knew of them but not who they were or how they became what they did. Mike and Saul are pretty similar. Both are good people at heart but get into these shitty predicaments and have to do what will save their ass in the end.
I think its time for you to try BB again, you must power through the first season as S2 is where it starts to go from good to great. I don't know if I agree with you, I think they are both shitty people at heart, sure they do some good things when properly motivated, but they sure do some horrible things with minimal motivation. Jimmy has been a con man all his life, more so now that he is a lawyer, Mike is a murder.

Jonathan Banks is a great actor and I really enjoyed this episode.


Molten Core Raider
I think they are both shitty people at heart, sure they do some good things when properly motivated, but they sure do some horrible things with minimal motivation. Jimmy has been a con man all his life, more so now that he is a lawyer, Mike is a murder.
Saul has that dichotomy that makes him interesting. He does really shitty things, but for good reasons/is good at heart. One thing I like about this show, like BB, is that it will show what many would consider immoral acts for moral reasons, while you have the "good guys" (politicians, law enforcement, society as a whole) do completely worse dickish moves that make you ponder whether the bad guy actions are really that bad. As an example from BB, you have a guy cooking meth, selling it,, killing competition, possibly ruining kids/peoples lives, but doing it to care for his family. You'll also have LE/politicans do all sorts of fucked up things effecting people's lives perhaps on a grander scale, and we consider them "the good guys" and moral champions even though their actions are completely egocentric and ruin as many if not more lives.

Basically, one of the great things about these shows is the blurred lines between moral and immoral, good and bad.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Watched again the last scene, the "I made him like me" scene is too good to be true, it's been a while I didn't feel so much about a TV show. House of Cards s3 disappointment is largely covered by any BCS episode. This show had very good actors, quality production and top notch writing.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
Man, Jonathan Banks(Mike) is a phenomenal actor. Last night's episode was awesome.

Asshat wormie

2023 Asshat Award Winner
<Gold Donor>
Not since Walt's "I am the one who knocks" speech have i been so emotional captivated by a show. Good fucking game Mike.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Reading this thread from the start is pretty funny. Not gonna lie, thought this whole idea was stupid but it is now the show I enjoy the most.


Molten Core Raider
When the show was announced I thought it was going to be a comedic spin-off without substance, as I imagine many did. Nope, this show follows the same values as BB. I'm still anxiously awaiting Bill Burr, though...probably season 2.


Millie's Staff Member
i know people dont really remark on it too much, i just want to chime in that Michael Mckeon as saul's brother chuck is doing a bangup job as well. i wish they would give him some more screen time because his crazy is really interesting to watch.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Can someone clear this up for me? Minor point, but how is it working with Mike's granddaughter? Are we to assume that isnotthe same little girl that he's playing with in BB due to age issues? If that's the case, who is the little girl in BB then? If the daughter in law had another child, it wouldn't be Mike's granddaughter considering his son is already dead. Maybe he's obligated to her child(ren) even if he's not the grandfather by blood.

I was trying to place the timeline of that scene (with him talking to the daughter in law in the yard) as he just arrived in NM, so that takes place even before Better Call Saul starts.


Life's a Dream
Here's the timeline that I can see.

  • Mike convinces his son to take $6k because it assures he's "one of the team"
  • Mike's son gets killed after hesitating while taking the cash
  • Mike kills the two other cops that did his son
  • Mike moves to New Mexico
  • Son's wife calls the police because she finds $6k in his bag. and was scared because other 2 cops got killed
  • Mike gets questioned by Philly police while in NM and recruits Saul to do the coffee trick
  • Mike pays son's wife a visit where he plays with the grand daughter and eventually explains the whole situation to the widow

I believe that's the order, with a slight issue. Mike took the train in to see the son's wife and was living in NM at the time, yet before he left to go home, he went to visit the vet and get the wound stitched up. It throws me off. Did he officially visit the vet earlier, and then go back for a follow up while visiting the widow because his wound opened up again?


<Prior Amod>
I believe that's the order, with a slight issue. Mike took the train in to see the son's wife and was living in NM at the time, yet before he left to go home, he went to visit the vet and get the wound stitched up. It throws me off. Did he officially visit the vet earlier, and then go back for a follow up while visiting the widow because his wound opened up again?
More like
he kills 2 cops, gets shot, puts a quickie bandage on, takes the next train out of town to NM
he buys maxi pad cuz the bandage bled through
widow drives him to her place, he plays w/ kid, they spat a bit, he leaves on a taxi
he asks taxi guy, how well you know the place (as in for bad stuff)
taxi guy "knows" a good doggie doc
mike gets bullet removed, i guess gets, a house, a car and a job taking tickets.

Son's wife calls the police because she finds $6k in his bag. and was scared because other 2 cops got killed

it was more like, she's telling the police, "hey there's unknown monies in my bag, take it back, i think my husband was crooked and maybe that's why he got killed, is that a lead?"


A Mod Real Quick
Jesus that was an incredible episode. I always knew the actor playing Mike was good at playing the grumpy, old, all-knowing guy but goddamn he pulled that episode off like nobody else.

I was actually concerned going into the episode that they were going to keep relying on bringing in people from Breaking Bad and it wasn't going to feel like its own show but jesus this episode hit me right in the feels.


Molten Core Raider
Makes a little more sense now why Mike was pretty close with Jesse in Breaking Bad, I think he saw Jesse like a 2nd chance with a "son" that he screwed up the first time around. It always seemed a little odd to me in BB that this old crotchety guy would put up with Jesse being a young, dumb punk a lot of the time. Mike must have seen him as a chance to try to redeem himself.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Here's the timeline that I can see.

  • Mike convinces his son to take $6k because it assures he's "one of the team"
  • Mike's son gets killed after hesitating while taking the cash
  • Mike kills the two other cops that did his son
  • Mike moves to New Mexico
  • Son's wife calls the police because she finds $6k in his bag. and was scared because other 2 cops got killed
  • Mike gets questioned by Philly police while in NM and recruits Saul to do the coffee trick
  • Mike pays son's wife a visit where he plays with the grand daughter and eventually explains the whole situation to the widow

I believe that's the order, with a slight issue. Mike took the train in to see the son's wife and was living in NM at the time, yet before he left to go home, he went to visit the vet and get the wound stitched up. It throws me off. Did he officially visit the vet earlier, and then go back for a follow up while visiting the widow because his wound opened up again?
I think I found out my answer. Kaylee (granddaughter) is 10 in BB (I thought she was younger) and Saul takes place 6 years prior (at least) which puts her 4-5 in that scene.