Floor drains aren't as big of a deal for venting. By code up here, if they're 3" or 4" p-traps and only for "emergency use" (don't see much use at all), so long as they tie in to a vented drain within the "fall" of the pipe diameter, they're fine. So at 2% grade with 3" pipe you're good for 12' or 16' with 4" @ 2%. You also can't have them too close to the branch, but if it's a few feet you're good.
The thinking there is that the drain is only going to rarely see flow, so it won't get pulled by it's own momentum. And water rushing past in the branch or main it's tied in to is far enough away from the larger 3" or 4" trap that it's unlikely to siphon the seal off, as the branch is vented elsewhere anyways.
Busted out my code:
"A trap that serves a floor drain need not be protected where:
a) the size of the trap is not less than 3in
b) the length of the fixture drain is not less than 450mm and
c) the fall on the fixture drain does not exceed it's size"
And yes, the Canadian plumbing code happily mixes imperial and metric measurements for the fuck of it.