the ridiculousness is kind of part of the fun but I really dont like what they are turning the characters into. Ax, Wendy and Charles Rhodes Sr specifically. Oh and Taylor too. Shit beginning to suck.
I stopped watching this right at the end of whatever season it was that they poisoned the food. After that, it totally jumped the shark for me into utter ridiculousness. Does that Wendy bitch ever end up showing her snapper? I had a thing for her for some reason.
So with the next season teaser it looks like Ax is pretty much out of the picture and going to focus on the new guy. Could just be a Shamalanadingdong twisty twist fake out but fleeing charges, even if they handwave them away, pretty much fucks Ax no matter what. He can try to pull the strings from Switzerland but that might be more bullshit writing than we can stand.
Definitely sucks to see what the covid break did to the show. The second half was a big story change and it wasn’t good at all. I like Corey Stoll but the show isn’t going to be the same.
Just finished season 5. It was... interesting. I like how they actually incorporated COVID into the story instead of acting like it didn't happen as pretty much every other show has done.
Prince getting a W sucked also. I want Axe the Lumberjack years.
The "Billions" Season 5 finale saw Damian Lewis leave the show – but in a post-episode interview he hinted at how he could return to the Showtime series.
Season 5 was one of those split seasons and I'm pretty sure I haven't even watched the 2nd half of it. Show was pretty fun early on but I just can't bring myself to give a fuck about it anymore.