Regarding PvP, before Kakao / Daum / Pearl Abyss P2W move, West BDO release gear grind was a casino. You either lose your money and win enough to get to the next hand. At some point having good gear resulted of some kind of online commitment, and / or luck. For concerned people, this gear model wasn't a surprise.
Now, whenever you bring actual money to the table, there's real life money commitment. You can spend days farming ogres, failing DUO / TRI, getting some TER maybe, there's always gonna be some dude buying its way up to the top. And by top I mean we're talking about difference between somewhat balanced fights and 1-2 shot to death.
PvP wise, is it okay to propose some quite big advantages to what we could call "wallet warriors" ? These people sometimes argue they have IRL commitments and they're happy to cut corners with money rather than game invested time. That's why Archeage EU release got ruined fast, nobody-guilds walleting the best gear to 1shot people during PvP encounters.
Solution is simple (yeah), get a low gear ceiling and allow commited people to get better cosmetics. I had fun poopsocking Archeage release being a Primecal and 2shotting everyone "GTA Austera" style, but it's just bad. Most legit MMO PVP guilds like PRX want fair fights. What's fair when any of your players have about 50% more stats than the average player ?