Sounds Promising, I'll bring a strobe light and some 1992 Techno for my Pop-N-Lock worrying about all the crowd control in PvE. Every hit seems to ministun the npcs and think it would be horrid in PvP. With no streamers being level 50, I want to get my hands on it to find out for myself.
Eh, DAoC had some of the most ridiculous bullshit around when it came to CC, and it still managed to be one of/the best mass-scale PvP game worrying about all the crowd control in PvE. Every hit seems to ministun the npcs and think it would be horrid in PvP. With no streamers being level 50, I want to get my hands on it to find out for myself.
True, but that was also a long time agoEh, DAoC had some of the most ridiculous bullshit around when it came to CC, and it still managed to be one of/the best mass-scale PvP game to-date.
Well, I realize it was a situation that was unique to DAoC and something that would be hard/impossible to recreate. However, I'm just pointing out that massive amounts of CC isn't necessarily always a bad thing.True, but that was also a long time agoI don't think you would get away with that kind of CC today. You already get mass complaints if someone has a 4 sec CC on you.
It also was needed, along with spammable pbae's, to allow small groups to wipe out large groups.