How does the update with the pve dungeons look? Lack of pve was why I quit this years ago. On the ‘plus’ side it sounds like I can just pay my way and make up for it
Lack of pve? When did you last play, 2016? The BDO reddit has been going on about the lack of pve group content and I just laugh. It is there if you have people who want to do it with you, it just that most people like to solo since its efficient. The Atoraxxion update hits KR first in June, so we'll know what the dev's have done.... but do NOT expect it do be anything like a WoW dungeon. Here is a list of party content that I can think of which is available currently:
Valtarra (scroll event / weekly)
Dark Rift (instanced horde mode with guns and stuff)
Altar of Blood (instanced horde mode)
Mirumok Ruins (best xp in the game, solo, 3-man, 5-man)
Gyfin Temple (3-5 man area)
Adandoned Monastery (duo spot)
Padix Island (duo spot)
Turos (duo spot)
Elvia Altar Imps (duo spot)
Elvia Castle Ruins (3-man)
Oluns (3-man)
... every single grind spot in the game. Group up, set loot rules however you want and kill shit with your friends.