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The Oakland scenes were filmed in Atlanta, I found that hilarious for some reason. I guess all ghettos look alike?
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The Oakland scenes were filmed in Atlanta, I found that hilarious for some reason. I guess all ghettos look alike?
Oakland doesn't have Atlanta's tax credits lol
This is a discussion forum, quit with the rhetorical.Jew witchcraft
For those saying it was "too dark", did you see it in 3D? I saw it in 2D, and my theater must have just changed the bulb on the projector cuz when it'd flash the sun the shit was blindingly bright. Only scenes that were dark were when they were underground without any artificial lighting.
The tribal fight at the end was decidedly bright as fuck, too . Also, fuck stupid armored super-rhinos. Killing Claw was also a mistake, and he should have been the primary villain, then we could have avoided the cheesy fight between two black "penthers" (as their fake accents made it sound).
Also, it doesn't take place entirely in Africa. The first third of the movie is in South Korea. Also Oakland, CA, and London.
The Oakland scenes were filmed in Atlanta, I found that hilarious for some reason. I guess all ghettos look alike?
The vibranium shit was pretty cringe, like I understand vibranium as the strongest metal but then it became this magic thing that could do anything.
My wife was wondering though like how they pick which people get to live in the nice city with all the tech and which people have to live in the poor parts in huts and shit, seems kinda... unequal.
He replies that it was a mining tool for Vibranium that he modified.Where did Claw get his weapon from, by the way?
I don't know man, the question was about whether they mentioned the origin of the arm. I stated what they did mention about its origin.He went to Wakanda's School of Advanced Physics? Read a book on Vibranium. It wasn't obvious how he learned how to modify an otherwise alien piece of equipment? Had he used to kill everyone maybe he could lecture the UN on togetherness instead of the guy with 5 warring tribes and a recent civil war that decimated his people.
How was this Kang fest?
Lol. This faggot. All super hero movies (and comics) have mediocore writing at best, plot holes throughout, terrible acting and are just CGI fests with a dumb fucking plot.This thread turned to shit a long time ago. Look at this unnecessary comment. Most of you on this forum have already decided if you are going to see this or not weeks ago. Trust me, Disney won't miss your ticket sale.
The movie was very good. It was more movie than super hero movie. I had no issues with the location, nitpicks, and let's be blunt "the blackness" of the movie that have been expressed here. Some of you have problems.
Wife noted that both Human Torches are now in MCU. Also, looks like Tony Stark needs to up his game because BP pretty much outclassed him in technology with what was shown.
holy shit, dude, you gain no virtue signalling points here, we're all assholes.This thread turned to shit a long time ago. Look at this unnecessary comment. Most of you on this forum have already decided if you are going to see this or not weeks ago. Trust me, Disney won't miss your ticket sale.
The movie was very good. It was more movie than super hero movie. I had no issues with the location, nitpicks, and let's be blunt "the blackness" of the movie that have been expressed here. Some of you have problems.