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This thread turned to shit a long time ago. Look at this unnecessary comment. Most of you on this forum have already decided if you are going to see this or not weeks ago. Trust me, Disney won't miss your ticket sale.
The movie was very good. It was more movie than super hero movie. I had no issues with the location, nitpicks, and let's be blunt "the blackness" of the movie that have been expressed here. Some of you have problems.
Wife noted that both Human Torches are now in MCU. Also, looks like Tony Stark needs to up his game because BP pretty much outclassed him in technology with what was shown.
Yea clearly its all because the people here are all racists, not that this film is not all that good and 6/10 is probably right. I'm hugely disappointed with the direction of the film after the directors other two films were brilliantly directed. This is either a problem with the vision of it or he was being overruled on what he wanted to do.
The CGI is actually worse then earlier Marvel films. Lets have everything made out of Vibranium but have skyscrapers with thatched roofing???? Chick calls the massively powerful weapons being fired at them primitive right before she chucks a god damn spear.
All these supposed Viibranium weapons they use and none of them have remotely the same impact as Capt's Shield. Other then the spear chick using it to defy psychics comically.
And on top of it they want us to sympathize with an African American villain who wants to kill whitey cause Forest Whitaker killed his dad. Okay then, if that doesn't sum up victim politics in this country IDK what does. It doesn't help that Micheal B Jordan hammed it up and was awful, which is too bad cause he is a fucking really good actor.
I just saw this shit had a production budget of 200 million, which is 20-25 million more then BR2049. You tell me if the CGI was up to par or not
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