Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
- 17,305
- 13,843
This will turn it around for Wildstar!
Wildstar had some good housing systems. Unfortunately it didnt have enough other hooks to keep people playing.
- 3
This will turn it around for Wildstar!
At this point in time, there is no one left you could sell WoW to anymore.Graphics sell, gameplay retains.
Have you not noticed that every male in Shadowlands is either evil, incompetent, or both? Except the token gay. They already started working on the malnourished part:But when will men be depicted as the malnourished, disease ridden, poorly trained and equipped fodder they where for almost all of history?
he had a quarter million people watch him, watch a video where the dev said he was anticipating 200k concurrent users. it was at that moment i thought maybe the devs were underestimating.
Ignoring FFXIV, player housing is a proven means of retaining people in a game, be in FF14, or TESO/Fallout76, or whatever.
You just need to be to robust enough that the player feels like they can be creative, if that is their goal. Overly restrictive housing systems like SWTOR are less appealing.
My concern with WoW is the engine is pretty old and while Garrisons kinda showed what they could maybe do with a housing system, it was still pretty bare bones in terms of housing promise.
Wasnt that essentially what garrisons where?WoW def dropped ball for sure. They could have made some special housing zone that would be expansion agnostic and continued to build shit up instead of these “fuck around for 1 xpac then ignore”
Wasnt that essentially what garrisons where?
Well that was what I meant. It was literally there then in typical Blizzard stupidity they completely discarded it after the expansion.And their design philosophy basically discards prior xpac zones, with rare exceptions
Don't know if I would say order halls made it worse. Order halls were one of the best things about Legion for me. But I didn't play until the final patch of Legion, and never messed with WoD when it was current, so my experience may have been vastly different.
I should clarify by saying order halls made passive gold farming even worse, and they added a mobile app to facilitate it
Yeah it was a huge misstep to bring shitty timegated mobile game filler menus into a 3D open world game.Garrisons completely ruined WoW IMO.
Yeah lol. This is a crowd of 100,000 people. Now, triple that and you have Asmongold's audience on a casual Monday...