Tranny Chaser
Dude is way smarter and put together than you want to give him credit for. Have you ever even watched any of his content?
I had the complete wrong impression of him for years, but I started listening to his commentary vids on Youtube every once in awhile. He has a good head on his shoulders and a lot of common sense.
Yes but also no. Do you (still) have a smear of old blood next to your bed from your bleeding gums where you would wipe your mouth and then wipe the wall when you woke up each morning? Did you lose a bunch of your teeth due to terrible habits and then also just not get them fixed when you had the money to do so? Just changing clothes wasn't a thing he was all that good at. Having to put out your mother after she lit herself on fire due to smoking while on oxygen is some real white trash bingo. He achieved success through becoming an apotheosis of the World of Warcraft player and bless him for it but let's not put him on too high a pedestal. He can 100% say very smart things about vidya and player psychology but if he was hospitalized tomorrow over a vitamin deficiency or infected bedsores or some other 100% preventable 100% treatable condition that he let get completely out of hand not a single person on the planet would be surprised.
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