Assuming that's true that multi year story telling is going to be an even bigger abysmal failure than war fronts was in bfa.World of Warcraft: Ashes of Galakaros
Hey. I don't work on Team 2, but I'm good friends with someone who does. There are a few Blizzard announcements coming that are currently scheduled for February 18th. These have been in the pipeline for a while and were originally planned to be announced at BlizzCon 2022 before it got
I saw this yesterday, it's is the best leak fiction I've read.World of Warcraft: Ashes of Galakaros
Hey. I don't work on Team 2, but I'm good friends with someone who does. There are a few Blizzard announcements coming that are currently scheduled for February 18th. These have been in the pipeline for a while and were originally planned to be announced at BlizzCon 2022 before it got
Less players than ever spending more than ever
one idea they're kicking around is having players travel to the moon, which would actually be an Uld facility housing the landmass that used to be where the Well of Eternity is, along with the dead husk of Y'Shaarj. The Black Empire cultists stranded on Galakaros will be trying to revive him. It would be deeply connected to Elune and her role in helping the Titans sort out Primordial Azeroth.
To be fair, they worked the grapevine with "the next expansion will be totally the lead writers baby" and "everything bad was Afrasiabi's fault!" so hard, that they now have to do some long-term story telling. Also, everyone interestred in WoW lore screamed at them that they obviously had no real long-term plans, so they pretty much have to die on this hill now.Assuming that's true that multi year story telling is going to be an even bigger abysmal failure than war fronts was in bfa.
WoW may be the first MMO to jump the shark before its moon expansion.The classics never die.
So progressive.WoW may be the first MMO to jump the shark before its moon expansion.
And they'll call it a season pass?Interestingly, this could also bring that rumored content release change: Instead of selling you a big expansion every 2 years for 40 bucks, where you only play the current patch content anyways, they are going to sell you the current patch for $30 every four to six months.
Since they already have "" they'll call it "battle.pass", and in turn sue everyone else for the trademark.And they'll call it a season pass?
I hope they put in Player Housing since so many soyfags cream their panties over it, but I hope the Player Housing is actually WEF Great Reset versions where you get mini Tesla bubbles and own nothing but you can rent cosmetics to put up in your house.
New eternal micro-transactions right up your stupid assholes, now you can rent wallpaper, and other retarded shit to play barbie doll princess dress up to make your pod the coolest in the stacks. I am going to send an e-mail to Bobby and become the next President of Blizzard.
FFIXV is stealing all their subs because the "girl gamers" care about being sexy and having slutty fashion items. That's the female power fantasy. But Blizzard will never admit that. Instead you get more fruit bowls.If they hired some zoomer "analyst" to write up why FFXIV is stealing all their subs, it would pretty much tell them switch to a casual endgame with gay housing and fashion weeklies.
Graphics sell, gameplay retains.That's great and all, but a fresh coat of paint won't solve the underlying pain points with the timegates and grind-focused endgame.
This will turn it around for Wildstar!gnoring FFXIV, player housing is a proven means of retaining people in a game, be in FF14, or TESO/Fallout76, or whatever.
But when will men be depicted as the malnourished, disease ridden, poorly trained and equipped fodder they where for almost all of history?FFIXV is stealing all their subs because the "girl gamers" care about being sexy and having slutty fashion items. That's the female power fantasy. But Blizzard will never admit that. Instead you get more fruit bowls.
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Of course it lacks soul, it's a project thrown together by 1 person as a demonstration. Soul and polish are the little details that get added as the content gets fleshed out and finalized.The problem is this lacks any kind of soul. It's like that shitty Warcraft movie.