D4 was immediately dead the second they released some statements asking players for design help.Is anyone even looking forward to D4? They are really at a stand still with their fanbase, gaming community and have nothing on the horizon. Bummer to see. But eventually you become to villain.
Big Brain. It's easier to set the expectation that "This game is hard/challenging but rewarding", and delivering content that aligns with that than be ambiguous and all over the place like WoW and having mountains ofcomplaintsCASH due to trying to appease everyone.
It's like second life but mainstream, and there will only be one true hero to stop it all:
Daniel from SL?
The biggest thing Yoshi-P did for the franchise was to make sure they don't start to sniff their own farts, because they were in the same position as Blizzard around the time FF13 started development: The industry had started using off-the-shelf engines and automated tools for their games, while Square-Enix insisted on using their own engines and tools. Which not only didn't work out with the Crystal Tools engine, but also bound a lot of their best developers.They don't have any successful teams to draw from either, like Square Enix had when they had to rebuild the Final Fantasy team after the disasters of FF14 and FF15. They got a guy from the Dragon Quest team to successfully revive FF14 and potentially the franchise if FF16 is any good.
It's not only with disaster recovery. They are notoriously bad with all types of communication, or else we wouldn't have this problem of them not communicating with their player community. And when they sometimes do, like in the Preach interview with Ion, it is seen as a PR nightmare, so they retreat back to the cave, never to be seen again.Blizzard has always been really bad at disaster recovery wrt to PR.
Yoshi-P tried to make a crossover event with WoW, too. Blizzard leadership probably thought that they had nothing to gain from that, because clearly they don't need the ideas of "lesser" games.
I was of course kidding but it’s clown world nowBunch of white dudes (Doug Frazer might be black?) and even a fucking white dog. Let the protests begin!
I was of course kidding but it’s clown world now
Former World of Warcraft Devs Start Studio Where Only Female Staffer Is A Dog
Fresh off the ongoing Activision Blizzard lawsuit, it's not the best lookkotaku.com
So, presumably, the founder had met at least a couple of women who were skilled enough to work at one of the highest-profile video game companies in the world.
I was of course kidding but it’s clown world now
Former World of Warcraft Devs Start Studio Where Only Female Staffer Is A Dog
Fresh off the ongoing Activision Blizzard lawsuit, it's not the best lookkotaku.com
So they're saying there's not enough bitches?I was of course kidding but it’s clown world now
Former World of Warcraft Devs Start Studio Where Only Female Staffer Is A Dog
Fresh off the ongoing Activision Blizzard lawsuit, it's not the best lookkotaku.com