Blizzard dies and Bobby rides


Golden Knight of the Realm
Not a meme though.

Blizzard said they were hindered severely by COVID because they need face meetings for planning and Zoom was not a substitute for the type of meetings they hold.

This means 20-30 meetings for a name change is all but confirmed.
I worked a contract at a place that could not function unless you came into the office in person and physically walked over to people to remind them to do their fucking job

It's a sign of an extremely dysfunctional place where no one gives a fuck
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
80% of the people at most places are fucking useless anyway.
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In addition to the obvious chagrin, one can only say that everything dies as a result, especially if we are talking about large companies.
Although I still want to believe that Blizzard will not die. Almost the entire teenage period, I played Warcraft with my friends. They gave us such wonderful games. Nostalgia, lol.
Now, of course, my tastes have changed slightly. I've been playing more LOL lately. But I didn't want to upgrade from the first boring level, so I bought a league account from a very cool service.
How many more years do you think gaming from consoles and PCs will be relevant?
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Trakanon Raider
Nothing publicly suggesting that and he left before all the mess blew up - don’t know if there’s anything private I missed.


Potato del Grande
Nothing publicly suggesting that and he left before all the mess blew up - don’t know if there’s anything private I missed.
Did he get a new job? Anyone leaving Blizzard in 2021, especially to no new destination, is implicated.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
I would bet he is at Moonshot/Secret door. Pure speculation though.


Shit Lord Supreme
*Reads title*

Me: "Who Cares?"

But I play like one game a year, so I guess I'm no longer the demographic of the gaming subsection

Who needs stupid grindy games anyway, when you can play Dark Souls


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Was Tigole Bitties ever fingered as a cosby gang member?

No, beyond Reddit detectives and their guilt by association bullshit.

it seems more likely he got pushed because of how OW2 was progressing


Trakanon Raider
Factual. Kind of like a certain "Producer" taking his entire team to MineCon in Vegas, only to return with the 'revelation' that a certain MMO will now have destructible terrain. Then fire up the hype machine, sell world creation tools to 'players' to basically get them to pay to do your work for you, while failing to ever actually deliver a game.

My favorite part was when this producer asked the rest of the company to play through their 'new' (conceptually lifted directly from League of Legends) combat system, only for basically the entire company to complain that it was complete shit for an MMO. Either that or completely faking the combat demo at a certain fan event in Las Vegas (basically lying to players about the state of the game), only to cancel the whole thing a few months later.
The thing I will never understand is how in over TWO DECADES they never figured out that all we ever wanted was for them to take EverQuest and recreate it in an brand new game client. There's technically nothing wrong with the core of EverQuest other than the fact that it is living on ancient game code.

Instead, we got EverQuest 2 that was basically a new MMORPG that just stole the lore from EverQuest and butchered the fuck out of it.

Every time a "new" EverQuest is mentioned, the fucking designer(s) have to say things like it's different than EQ because of xyz. NO NO NO. Stop making it different for the fucking sake of BEING DIFFERENT. STOP IT YOU FUCKING MORONS. EverQuest was the right design for MMORPGs, and the quality of life changes made over the years (for the TLP servers of EverQuest... fuck modern EverQuest) have refined that design to near perfection.

We just need someone to take EverQuest TLP and make a new game client for it from scratch with up to date technologies. Then branch the story line for new expansions to pick up RIGHT AFTER Shadows of Luclin. Fuck the other expansions that came after Luclin. Seriously. Fuck them.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
The thing I will never understand is how in over TWO DECADES they never figured out that all we ever wanted was for them to take EverQuest and recreate it in an brand new game client. There's technically nothing wrong with the core of EverQuest other than the fact that it is living on ancient game code.

Ancient game model + new engine != success.

FFXI was very close to EQ1 with better graphics. Popular at the time.

FFXIV initially was that but prettier. It bombed. They later fixed it and released Eureka, a FFXI/EQ1 style mmo zone within a mmo with slow leveling, groups virtually required for all, xp loss on death, etc.

Yoshi P even admitted most of the Playerbase that tried it never went back, and lots never even bothered. I tried it. Took me 4 minutes to solo a level 1 mob. I noped the fuck out. That model of mmo is dead outside Asia for a reason
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Trakanon Raider
No offense, but if you don't want EverQuest with a new game client, then maybe you just don't want EverQuest. It's ok. There's nothing wrong with wanting something different.

The only thing I would argue is that if you don't want a new EverQuest, then why would your opinion matter to the company making a new EverQuest?

It's like not liking pickup trucks, but telling all manufacturers of pickup trucks that the next pickup should look like a corvette.

Maybe... just maybe... EverQuest isn't what you want to play. Just saying.
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
you’re right, I don’t want to play EQ1 again. I watched Octopimp play about a month ago and was reminded how scuffed it was.

I don’t doubt there are people who would love to play EQ1 with gooderer graphics, but I do doubt there is a large enough fan base to warrant a massive investment with guaranteed ROI.

I would fucking love a new Farscape TV show, but realistically I know 1) niche appeal 2) 20 years since it was around, which means a remote fan base with little new appeal. It’s hard to get investors for that unless you self fund it
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Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Once Vanguard demonstrated WoW combat isn't a bad thing, I don't think anyone could go back to EQ. That was the nail in the coffin for anyone sitting on the fence, or any EQ diehard that was resentful or hateful towards WoW. There were a lot of holdouts in 2006 and EQ purists that funneled into VG after trying WoW but still not sold on it. It's like saying you want a reskinned diku MUD. Reskin what? there's not much game there.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
No one wants to manage 50+ people in a modern game. Devs don't want scale # of loot drops and raiders beyond a fixed raid cap. Designers can barely make items that are desirable longer than 1 or 2 patch tiers.

TLP reuses existing assets and changes the rules, which is the least amount of work riding on the back of existing content. The moneygrubbers want to draw things out and slow the playerbase down because they can't pump out activities to do fast enough.
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Potato del Grande
No one wants to manage 50+ people in a modern game.
FF14 does a good job in Bozja where you have 48 player raids but anyone in the zone can sign up and mechanics are clearly signposted and require personal responsibility.

Doesn't need a raid leader or guild leader (you can if you want) but still feels like a big raid.

So mechanics need to evolve with the times, people love 100 player games in Fortnite, the desire for big multiplayer experiences is there.