Agreed.Same here. And by close proximity, I mean the same day. And by the same day, I mean tomorrow.
Gaming should have what sports does. Rich people who just buy up sports teams, with little to no interference with the running of it, just toss money at them to make them "the best".
Like if a Buffet, Gates, Rockefeller or the likes found out about From Software and started giving them hundreds of millions each year saying "Make GOTY every damn year!".
As to Bloodborne, I had taken a break from it as my addiction for DS2 kicked in again, and I was tired of being stuck on Pearl and the three shadows. After 35 hours of DS2, I tried Bloodborne again yesterday and killed both Pearl and the three shadows in two tries. Now I am at Rom. Spiders.... Not sure if it is the best weapon, but kill it with fire was the first that came to mind, so I am out of molotovs and nearly out of bullets as the flamethrower eats them up much too fast. Teleporting is such bs.