

Silver Baronet of the Realm
That's just bizarre to see someone say. I'd rank the games: Demon's > Bloodborne >>>>>>> Dark >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dark2. Granted, I'm not that far into Bloodborne yet, but I already feel like it has redeemed From Soft after the utter disappointment I felt DkS2 turned out to be.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Personally, I really enjoyed Dark Souls 2, despite it being made by the B team.

And right now I might have goggles on in terms of how much I enjoy Bloodborne.

But I like them all equally, for slightly different reasons. I couldn't even begin to place them in order of which I preferred.

Demon Souls hold a lot of nostalgia value for me, since I ordered mine from Hong Kong almost a year before its release in the States, which was the first time (and still only) time I've done that for any game.

They're all fantastic. I really like Dark Souls 1 and 2's story and level design, personally.

If I had to rank one as my "least" favorite, it would probably be DS1 solely because of the shoddy port to PC, but you can't really blame From for not investing too much into that, since it was a total trial run and they'd never ported a game to PC before.

Can I just like them all equally? Cause that's what I'm going to do.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I have no idea how people didn't enjoy DS2. I put far more time in to that game than any of the others. Demon's Souls is actually unplayable for me due to it looking like a rotten foot and barely holding 20fps in most areas.


Trakanon Raider
DS2 just had alot of mechanics I didn't care for; Soul Memory, the dodge roll being ass, Adaptability stat, respawning shit into NG+, etc. There where a ton of weapons to choose but majority of them sucked. Spells where either shit or super OP(soul arrow line vs dark magic).

That said DS2 was still overall a good game, just did not feel like replaying it like I did with DS1/Bloodborne.

Edit: Oh, let's not forget the reuse of the "armored knight" enemy in DS2. Monster/level design was just not that great imo, at least in comparison to DS1/Bloodborne.


Vox Populi Jihadi
<Silver Donator>
Demon souls could use a good high definition port to new consoles and PC.

Flamelurker still one of my favorite boss fights of the entire series. Holy shit that fight was balls in throat fantastic.

IRT To DS2 I really liked the "kill everything in an area enough times it stops respawning till you respawn it as NG+" mechanic solely because it kept you from infinitely farming souls and power leveling past everything (though you could still do that to some degree, it helped put a limit cap on that)

Soul memory was a shit idea though.


Trakanon Raider
Demon's Souls was great at the time but it's dated by today's standards. In my head it's probably my favorite of the games but the other's are far more polished. A few months ago I went back to try and replay Demon's Souls but just couldn't do it. Killed about 4 bosses and stopped playing.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
Demon's Souls was great at the time but it's dated by today's standards. In my head it's probably my favorite of the games but the other's are far more polished. A few months ago I went back to try and replay Demon's Souls but just couldn't do it. Killed about 4 bosses and stopped playing.
Yea same, I actually can't stand it now. And holy jesus I don't know how I put up with it the first time with it's dropping to 10fps constantly.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I love all the games, but I'd put Bloodborne probably at #3 of the series for me - with Demons in dead last - all of them are 8.5+ games to me though. (10 DS, 9.5 DS2, 9 BB, 8.5 DeS)

Very few other games I'd rate even a 9 for them to compete against.


Nǐ hǎo, yǒu jīn zi ma?
I think I must have gone retarded or something because I cannot fucking beat this beast possessed soul in one of the chalice dungeons. He's the most basic goddamn boss ever and has like 2 attacks but holy fuck I cannot do it for some reason.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I think I must have gone retarded or something because I cannot fucking beat this beast possessed soul in one of the chalice dungeons. He's the most basic goddamn boss ever and has like 2 attacks but holy fuck I cannot do it for some reason.
There are two bosses I am thinking of one of which I think is the beast possessed. One does a lightning attack almost immediately after you hit him (I don't think this is the one you are talking about.) The other hits really &%&^$#$% fast and charges you any time you heal. If you are facing the second one the way I found to beat him was to dodge back x2 on his first 2 swipes and then swing your scythe, longsword, whatever and smack his nose. Sometimes you have to dodge back x3 if you are really in to close and then dodge in fast to get in the swipe. Other times if you dodge x2 perfectly his third swipe will just barely miss you and you can still swing and smack his face.

Takes a bit but you are getting to the point where boss attacks are one-hit KO's so cheesing is the only way. Defense and HP become totally irrelevant. Wear whatever gear you like and stack on those + vial runes.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Question on Chalices - are they sometimes only 3 layers? I swear there's nowhere else to go in this one....


Trakanon Raider
Shadows of Yahrnam suck ass. The run to them is bad enough. I opened up a few shortcuts so I can speed run through but those pigs are super annoying.

And just out of curiosity, I see there's a shortcut right by the Forbidden Woods bonfire. Is that something I'll open up later after beating the Shadows or is there an easier way to them that I'm missing? Right now I run to the little village, go into a door I opened. Speed run through the next village with the cannon. Enter the mine and take the lift to the lake and run to the Shadows. Is that the best way or did I miss something somewhere? That closed door right by the bonfire is annoying me.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Shadows of Yahrnam suck ass. The run to them is bad enough. I opened up a few shortcuts so I can speed run through but those pigs are super annoying.

And just out of curiosity, I see there's a shortcut right by the Forbidden Woods bonfire. Is that something I'll open up later after beating the Shadows or is there an easier way to them that I'm missing? Right now I run to the little village, go into a door I opened. Speed run through the next village with the cannon. Enter the mine and take the lift to the lake and run to the Shadows. Is that the best way or did I miss something somewhere? That closed door right by the bonfire is annoying me.
Yes, you can open that door - and it does shorten the run a bit (not that much though)


you missed something, from the pigs take the elevator up then run past the snake guy and hang a rite up a little hill i think


Trakanon Raider
Shadows of Yahrnam suck ass. The run to them is bad enough. I opened up a few shortcuts so I can speed run through but those pigs are super annoying.

And just out of curiosity, I see there's a shortcut right by the Forbidden Woods bonfire. Is that something I'll open up later after beating the Shadows or is there an easier way to them that I'm missing? Right now I run to the little village, go into a door I opened. Speed run through the next village with the cannon. Enter the mine and take the lift to the lake and run to the Shadows. Is that the best way or did I miss something somewhere? That closed door right by the bonfire is annoying me.
In the village with the cannon, in the building below, you go down to the bottom floor. Do NOT take the elevator in that yet. Go to the opposite side of there, and exit out the building, and enter out to the bridge with the guy with the snake head. Kill him. Right after the bridge, there is a path to the right. Go up, and inside a mineshaft / building (can't miss it). There will be a lift up to the building by the bonfire/light. Then to get to the bosses, you just need to take lift down and run straight to the lift down to the lake that you have been using.


Trump's Staff
I saw a lag glitch with the Shadow door where you can basically freeze them in place if you've got two people. Host keeps looking at the fog gate to lag everything out, but the cooperator can wail away at the boss without worry.


FPS noob
there is a memory leak in BB, if you leave the game running for 10+ hours all the bosses only do melee attacks. doing a suspend + sleep/resume (new ps4 firmware feature) also does this eventually. so if you are seeing weird stuff with bosses being a pushover, you have to shut down BB and restart the game.