Kingdom Death: Monster if price is no object fits the campaign motif with a Dark Souls/Civilization/Monster Hunter style vibe - but $300-400ish. (Very worth it though) [All of it is "4 vs. 1" boss battles however - but it's superbly done - expansions will add other variants to play however, but they're all on the horizon]
Descent 2E is probably the most mainstream kind - normal swords and sorcery, tons of expansions so will get pricy if you're getting everything though.
Imperial Assault is Descent 2E with a Star Wars change in scenery, heard very good things, not done it myself.
Shadows of Brimstone is a Cthulhu meets Wild West game in the tabletop RPG/campaign vein - very good as well.
KDM has replaced all of them to me, but I'll be the first to acknowledge it's a huge investment and it won't fit everyone. But all the rest are solid (well, quoting other reviews for IA - I've not played it myself)