Border Issue

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Did you learn to read? Like, in the 3rd grade. 38% opposed becauseIT WAS TO LIBERAL. Are you serious right now?

And 59% opposed Obamacare in general. And you call me braindead? Can you read?
LOL yeah, I can. Which bring us all the way to beginning when you claimed that most Americans dont want socialized medicine and that's how this whole conversation got started.

So when you combine people who are for ACA and people who opposed it because it wasn't liberal enough (the two groups that by defibnition want socialized medicine) - they consistently beat people who oppose it because it was too liberal (i.e. conservatives), in every poll.

It's amusing that you're too dumb to read your own polls. Why dont you leave poll interpretation to people who can read and perform basic addition and subtraction?


by the way, in that 40/59 poll?

17% disapproved of the ACA because it wasnt liberal enough, you brain dead motherfucker.

Poll: Most Americans Say People Are Better Off Under Obamacare
That would actually be 38% who say its to liberal, and 35% who say they are worse off.


LOL yeah, I can. Which bring us all the way to beginning when you claimed that most Americans dont want socialized medicine and that's how this whole conversation got started.

So when you combine people who are for ACA and people who opposed it because it wasn't liberal enough (the two groups that by defibnition want socialized medicine) - they consistently beat people who oppose it because it was too liberal (i.e. conservatives), in every poll.

It's amusing that you're too dumb to read your own polls. Why dont you leave poll interpretation to people who can read and perform basic addition and subtraction?
Ohhh poll mishmash! I like it. So lets combine those who oppose it , and those who oppose it because its to liberal (Keeping in mind those are the same people) and we get 97%! Like the way you do math sir.

Its all good though. Gavinrad agrees with your math.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Ohhh poll mishmash! I like it. So lets combine those who oppose it , and those who oppose it because its to liberal (Keeping in mind those are the same people) and we get 97%! Like the way you do math sir.

Its all good though. Gavinrad agrees with your math.
Dude, read some of the articles - it's not the same people - it's four different groups of which two are "supporters of the concept" some that are happy with the current version and some that are not.

Analog "Yes or No" situations give a false positive on the unhappy with current version but like the concept.


I just pissed myself laughing. This is your fucking proof?
ByDylan ScottPublishedJuly 24, 2014, 10:00 AM EDT 3545 views

A majority of Americans believe that either they themselves or other people are better off under Obamacare, according to a CNN poll released Wednesday.

The poll found that 18 percent of Americans said they are better off under the health care reform law. But even if they said they personally are about the same or worse off, another 35 percent said that other families are better off because of the law.

According to 44 percent of respondents, Obamacare had not helped anyone.

The law's approval ratings remained under water, with 40 percent approving and 59 percent disapproving. But 17 percent said they disapproved because the law is not liberal enough.

The poll, conducted from July 18 to 20, surveyed 1,012 U.S. adults. Its margin of error is 3 percentage points.
Then you enforce that by calling me braindead? I better go before Tuco gets here. You sir are retarded.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Ohhh poll mishmash! I like it. So lets combine those who oppose it , and those who oppose it because its to liberal (Keeping in mind those are the same people) and we get 97%! Like the way you do math sir.

Its all good though. Gavinrad agrees with your math.
So lets combine those who oppose it , and those who oppose it because its to liberal (Keeping in mind those are the same people) and we get 97%!
Are you seriously not understanding this?

Are you seriously not understanding that people who support the ACA, and people who oppose it because its not liberal enough (i.e. they want a single payer system) - that both of these people want socialized medicine?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
I just pissed myself laughing. This is your fucking proof?

Then you enforce that by calling me braindead? I better go before Tuco gets here. You sir are retarded.
So 18 percent of Americans said they are better off personally with the ACA

And additional 35% said other people and families are better off even if they're not (probably because they already have insurance through work)

2 groups of people where they believe that either themselves, or others are better off because of the ACA

Merlin, please add 35 and 18 for me, and tell me what you get.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
Merlin you are my favorite person on this board. No joke. You have zero critical thinking skills, zero understanding of basic math, zero reading comprehension, etc, and yet you are SO SURE that you are ALWAYS RIGHT it just makes for awesome moments like the above, in which you can't understand how to read a simple chart that's clearly labeled. With you around, it's like Seal Team 6 day every other day (except last week when you pulled 3 ST6 moments in a single day). No one provides as much entertainment as you do.

Also, why is it ok for us to spend $183/month on you, but not on other people's kids?

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Merlin had a triple ST6 moment day last week?

details plz.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
That would have been when he was educating us on how gerrymandering affects presidential elections, climate change is a hoax because you know, it's hot in the summer and cold in the winter, and one other I forget. It was a fun day, and I'm pretty sure you were partaking of the fun.

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
haha, i remember the gerrymandering one. that was comedy gold.

sometimes i wonder if tuco invented the merlin persona just to keep the general forums active, but deep inside i know thats not true. he doesnt have the time with all the women beatings sucking up all his time


Musty Nester
It's not the physical violence that takes much time, it's savoring the afterglow and relishing your own power that will turn hours into minutes.


Michele Bachmann Suggests Labor Camps for Immigrant Children
Congresswoman Michele Bachmann has offered up a new solution to the humanitarian crisis along the US/ Mexico border, where tens of thousands of unaccompanied illegal immigrant children are currently being detained. And now she's calling on President Barack Obama to help push forward a bipartisan effort to see her idea become a reality.

Bachmann's plan? Send those children to labor camps, which she warmly refers to as "Americanization Facilities"
Work shall make you free.


Registered Hutt
We should send gays and fatties there too. Perhaps make a couple years in americanization camp a pre-requisite to vote.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun.
<Silver Donator>

Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
<Gold Donor>
Satire article.

Lets get back to how Merlin doesnt understand his own polls. Again.


Ssraeszha Raider
We're just keeping this thread bumped so that somebody can eventually provide evidence of mass rioting and flag burning at the border.


Satire article.

Lets get back to how Merlin doesnt understand his own polls. Again.
Sure. Whenever I read polls I don't agree with, from now on, I will just add up all the lines that support my political ideology, and say, "SEE! The poll says the opposite of what you think it does"!