It's so fucking obvious. Do I really have to explain this!? Clearly the shadow government orchestrating these events has very high standards, standards which Mr. Seth MacFarlane has met by having three mediocre cartoons on FOX. (Three shows... and how many points are there on an Illuminati triangle? Coincidence? THERE ARE NO COINCIDENCES!) Having 1 1/2 hours of television a week - television which skews to a younger audience - is perfect for them to fucking brainwash the public while disseminating their orders to others. What they didn't count on, however, was Mr. MacFarlane having a conscience and using his shows for good rather than tired jokes and repeated gags.
If you fucking idiots had only realized. It was staring you in the face right along. I mean, aside from the fucking blatant connection between Peter participating in the largest marathon in the world and having terrorists detonate bombs, things which no one could possibly think were the sort of pop culture references the show does every week, consider this: The episode was written by Artie Johann & Shawn Ries. If you rearrange the fucking letters in their fucking last names, you get: "IS NEAR JOHN!" And who could that John be that they are referring to? Oh, I don't fucking know. Could it possibly be first winner of the Boston Marathon, John J. McDermott? Open your fucking eyes, people! How about this? The episode was 203rd Family Guy Episode. The record for the Boston Marathin? 2:03! HOW POSSIBLY MOTHERFUCKING DUMB CAN YOU PEOPLE BE TO DENY THIS KIND OF EVIDENCE?
Jesus Christ! The pieces were all there, but sadly none of you were fucking smart enough to fucking put together the puzzle. MacFarlane has clearly been wanting you to take him more seriously for ages! There were likely clues when MacFarlane sang "We Saw Your Boobs" at the Oscars if you fucking idiots would just look! Perhaps you all could've figured this out and stopped it if you fucking idiots were willing pick out random connections after the fact and apply them in the most bizarre fashion, because coincidences just don't exist! And if it's so hard for you retards to see that, how about you do like I do and cheek the lithium the nurse brings me everyday so you can think clearly like me? Christ, it's really not that hard to see this is all just a massive conspiracy and not just simply the fact that there are horrible people that do disgusting things we'll never be able to understand.