Why don't these fucking morons send this stuff to the wall street execs raping their pension and retirement funds? Why are they sending them to shitty senators and Obama? They can't even do attempted murder right.Well the ricen guy was caught. Not related, as expected.http://www.cnn.com/2013/04/17/politi...html?hpt=hp_t1
Probably expects to be given a platform to spew his crazy. By the time that happens, nobody will give a shit anymore anyway.
Because that's what a crazy liberal that also somehow still retains some sense would do.Why don't these fucking morons send this stuff to the wall street execs raping their pension and retirement funds? Why are they sending them to shitty senators and Obama? They can't even do attempted murder right.
Anyone intelligent enough to see who is really running/ruining this country is also smart/sane enough not to ruin their lives with attempted murder. Also known as the same reason YOU haven't killed any investment bankers.Why don't these fucking morons send this stuff to the wall street execs raping their pension and retirement funds? Why are they sending them to shitty senators and Obama? They can't even do attempted murder right.
I to would love to know why the world didn't end last year.Personally I'm in favor of banning Lumie unless he explains why the world didn't end last year.