Super summon comes up in just under two weeks, so as long as you have more than 14 days left, you should be good. I'm at... 210? Counting the ones in my inbox.Ah ok thanks. That's pretty lame!
Just beat Vargas, team was:Yeah, I was thinking about trying to knock out Vargas today, but I wanted to level up my Mariudeth SBB first...which won't happen unless I just burn through burst frogs. Was going to go with:
Deemo (lead)
Maxwell (friend)
Edit: This team was a fucking terrible idea. Deemo died twice, and Elimo got knocked out...all by the 2nd round. Not sure what to do to beat this one, because that's insane. Pissed away 50 energy.
I may have to do that for shits and giggles. Just have to level up my other 2 Zelnites.edit: Just ran into an arena team of:
6* Zelnite
3x 5* Zelnite
6* Luther
What the fuck.
I tried a few different combo's of crit/bb spam and only got halfway through Stage 3 and that was using a gem or two, it seems your forced to use mono water now. Hoping my Signas, Oluo, Lucina, Rickel and Dean can manage it when I max them.If you dont mind using a gem or two I think you'll be better off with a crit/spam hybrid team for vargas, and dont bother with being all water. Just use your most damaging team, no elimo, no oulu maxwell/bb spam lead and go in hard. Full fuijins round 1 and clear in 1, should fill bb guages for round 2, clear in 1 then your onto vargas, opening attack/full should get him down significantly, then use rez pots if needed/holy lights or gem and attack again, then wipe to his resurrect and gem and attack for the clear. I did it this way and used 1 gem as got lucky and only wiped on his rez. I did it with something like lead uda/michele/sgx/luther/kajah/zebra friend a while ago.
Eh, I guess. I did it with my water team, went overly defensive, and didnt even have a unit die to his bull shit. Oulu BB with Partial damage, and Defensive buff, Water Defense Rune and just an all around good team make that dungeon trivial. You get like 3 gems out of just that last stage, alone. So if you dont have Restless' A-Team nor a Super Strong OP Water team like mine - just gem the shit once or twice, get the sphere and move on lol. If you're really struggling for whatever reason, use one of your Creator Maxwell friends for extra OP laughs.If you dont mind using a gem or two I think you'll be better off with a crit/spam hybrid team for vargas, and dont bother with being all water. Just use your most damaging team, no elimo, no oulu maxwell/bb spam lead and go in hard. Full fuijins round 1 and clear in 1, should fill bb guages for round 2, clear in 1 then your onto vargas, opening attack/full should get him down significantly, then use rez pots if needed/holy lights or gem and attack again, then wipe to his resurrect and gem and attack for the clear. I did it this way and used 1 gem as got lucky and only wiped on his rez. I did it with something like lead uda/michele/sgx/luther/kajah/zebra friend a while ago.
Her BB is 240% and her Sbb is 450% damage mod. Apparently its second highest after maxwell for a high drop check unit.Someone was mentioning the variables for BB/SBB damage modifiers... anyone know what Elza's is? It feels like she hits like a truck.
It felt like she was tearing people apart. Super nice to pair up to of them (or pair up with Maxwell). If I can get all of my SBB/BB ready, I can keep them rolling until the last boss for auto-battle.Her BB is 240% and her Sbb is 450% damage mod. Apparently its second highest after maxwell for a high drop check unit.