If you need to get over a case of burn-out and frustration, this actually might be a really good time to take some time away. Just slow-playing it like you are.....get that daily log-in....when the next Frontier Hunter drops, do the runs you need just for the gems and whatnot, and just sit on them until the God Gate drops.
Then try your luck with the God Gate and see how things shake out. It is entirely possible you'll get the best of all worlds.....the time away to ease the burn out, and the units you need to have fun with, with a minimal amount of frustration.
Honestly, I've known for a while this game isn't the best thing for me...really time consuming and such. ...But on balance I am still enjoying it. Today my mandate was farming out Mecha Gods during half-energy vortex....I've farmed out 7 already, I need just one more Dark Mecha God to have 3 of each elemental type. I'm getting close to a level so I think I'm gonna try to time an Imp Parade later on today (if I can) to finish imp'ing my Grahdens and whatnot....then a Mega-Metal Parade tomorrow while half-vortex is still up because Gumi is still trolling us withholding the Super Honor Summons. And I'm still working on my personal arena win-streak milestone.
One of these days, I'll finish what I wanted to do, and either burn out or get bored or a funky combination of both....when that day comes, I'llflip over the nearest table and rage quitstop playing. The next day I'll barely know what to do with all the free time on my hands
I enjoy your company here Doc, but honestly this game is so time consuming, I can't bring myself to ask you to power through the burn-out and spend countless hours in the game just for the sake of me having good company here on the forums lol. Goodness knows how much more valuable our time could be spent elsewhere

If I had any kind of sense (or wasn't enjoying myself as much) I'd put it down myself.
Edit: ...But if you do happen to stick around after a break, I'll be damn glad for the company