I feel kinda lucky when it comes to water units/this WVA.
Slot 1: Tridon
Slot 2: Tazer
Slot 3: Zeldeus
Slot 4: Selena (Leader)
Slot 5: Colt
Tridon/Tazer and Zeldeus are all Type 2, which is 2 more than I really like having in a group at once, but they have been firing off their SBB's like a champ. Zeldeus is still level 113 and BB level 1......which puts his BB modifier at a scant 160% or something. I'll fodder him up soon, probably tomorrow (I still want to soak up Mondays Souls Training Ground while it is at Half-Energy cost, even though I don't actuallyneedthe levels anymore.....bang for the buck and all that.) Colt is at SBB Level 2, so he still needs fodder also....but at least his Brave Burst modifier is at a healthy 280%. The BB fill on my WVA squad is weak compared my real Arena team, but at least I'm consistantly getting all 5 BB's filled on turn 1, with at least a chance at 1-2'ish random SBB's filled also. I can't count on the SBB's, but that said, so far just Brave Bursts have been plenty enough, and Turn 2 wins are in the bag.
(Side Note: On my WVA squad, during combat my Colt is my lowest HP character at 10.2k HP, which is higher than 4 out of the 5 on my real Arena squad - and considerably higher than my lowest at 7.7k HP - with no bulk lead....but my real arena squad is vastly stronger.......still, feels nice to have some beefy ass HP's in an Arena setting for a change, and is a helluva tease for having Michele available as a 7-star Arena lead.)
One odd thing: My real Arena team (all 5 SBB's on Turn 1 almost a certainty barring certain random rules), only ever gets 3 SBB's maximum to fire on Turn 2.....as in never-ever 4, not once. It feels like if the opponents have zero HP's left, their BB/SBB won't fire no matter what, they'll just skip to normal attacks. My Water Vortex Arena team like 3 times today so far have had 4 BB/SBB fire on Turn 2. My guess is that it is an animation/timings issue? Pretty sure even 3 regular BB's are enough to wipe the floor with any team going.
All the crap aside, damn near everybody I run across is Undefeated anyway...so I'm not sure all the minutia of it really matters all that much. Undefeated is Undefeated no matter what you used to get there.
If this was a Fire Vortex instead of water, Ida been strait fucked. Early on, as in the very first day of playing, one of my very first summons ever was a 5-star version of Orwen....my first ever Rainbow door/Mega Rare, I thought I hit the jackpot....I didn't have the wisdom at the time to know that that unit was just a bad-unit from the get-go. To this day I've only raised him from level 1 to level 20, and still at 5-stars. Anyway, I got him, and a Lord Michele (been very very happy about that unit ever since her 7-star was announced though) and a whole Freakin' Flock of F'n Farlons.....I even got a 2nd Vargas (I had picked Vargas as my starter too, didn't know to pick a Selena at the time.).....anyway, getting a 2nd Vargas from the Honor Summons gate (wasn't even a Super Honor summons, just a crazy ass random pull within like 2 days of playing the game for the very first time.) Anyway, getting a 2nd Vargas that early, that easy, made me think he/the starters were common and easy to come by. So what did I do? All new and pressed for space? I fused Vargas away....BOTH of them.....the notion that a units typing had any measure of importance at all had never even crossed my mind at that point, so for all I know both could have even been Animas.
Anyway....ever since I committed that act of gross disrespect to Fire units, my account has seen very very few of them at all in the whole time since then.
My fire curse is probably why I should give up on the idea of ever having a Vesti/Bestie of my own.
My other curse is Breaker Healers......I don't know what the hell I did to get that curse, but almost every single healer on my account is a Breaker.