I am really hoping the Deathmax numbers are not the final numbers.
Very dissapointed with Andaria.
Leadership skill is useless in the current meta...and not by a little bit, I mean *utterly* f'n useless. Zero niche. Fine, whatever...so she's a sub. Lots of units work better that way.
2-3 BC when hit on BB/SBB ???? Fuck. Do you WANT me to NOT use her? Christ, at least match the current meta. This is horrible. With current BC on Hit buffs being 4-7 BC per hit, 2-3 becomes a MAJOR LIABILITY to even have around. You'll either have to micromanage every single action or not use Andaria AT ALL. This is a disaster
On the SBB, 7 BC per turn is nice, but NOT if you have to deal with that 2-3 BC per hit at the same goddamn time. That 2-3 BC on hit Extra Skill makes all her other skills less desirable to use.
She could have been an overall decent/nice unit to have around but they managed to fuck it up.
I REALLY hope the numbers Deathmax released are not final. I wouldn't even use this Andaria in my current raid group, much less be happy about her. Very very dissapointed
If Andaria's sphere isn't God-Like then she is only ever going to be useful to people who haven't already gotten better. ...Because better exists.
Zedus is an All-in-One damage God.
Crit Damage, Crit Chance, More Crit Damage, More Crit Chance, Spark Damage, Elemental Damage. UBB that destroys all.
Very slot efficient. People need a spark buffer and a crit buffer in the group - he is single handedly both, does both at or exceeding the current meta....and tosses +elemental damage in there as a bonus just to drive the point home that if you are not Running Zedus, you are Walking somebody else.
I don't have him and can't even summon for him because I dropped my entire bank of gems trying and and failing over and over and over to summon for Krantz.
People without a Zedus are now a step behind for things like Frontier Hunter where OTK Middle/End farming now reigns supreme....and everywhere else, using more slots than necessary just to cover what he does.
Happy day for Zedus owners. Frustrating/Sad day for me.
I really really hope I get to come back here in 2-3 hours with a smile on my face that Andaria has been updated, but hoping is just going to leave me with even more disappointment when it doesn't happen. I was trying to keep my expectations low, but even I didn't plan on her having a fatal flaw that would make me not even want to use her. I have a Libera for christsake....she was the only unit that was keeping me from walking out into traffic after not getting a Krantz. ...so...what? am I supposed to just toss my Libera away if I want to use Andaria because their buffs clash so bad?
Somebody talk me down and tell me why I should be running Andaria in a group in a meta where Libera and Aurelia both exist.
I hope I am overreacting, but I don't see where I'd even use Andaria on my current roster. My disappointment is palpable. She'd have been better if the 2-3 BC on hit DIDN'T EVEN EXIST. A unit should never be better by taking skills AWAY from them. You can't turn that shit off. You either have to micromanage it all or just never use her.
So frustrated