I've been really liking Rhoa as a helper in raids... almost enough to level my own to 7*. Also the raid squad is now melting shit constantly.
Raaga lead, Melchio, Will, Krantz, Hadron, Rhoa/Griff friend.
lol, "almost enough"
Rhoa is pretty boss Ao-, if you have one, by all means Level the $*#& out of him
If you have your own Rhoa in the group, then use the Griff friend, and your Krantz sub, you'll not only have your spark/crit bases covered, but those 3 together will retype everyone to all 6 elements, and elemental damage is still one of the best ways to boost overall damage in the game. ....and the best Part about having Hadaron around is that you can still annihilate crit-resistant body parts without having to give up a crit lead to do it. Rhoa/Griff Leads with a Krantz sub may not be the highest possible damage combination in the game, but it would be close enough not to matter very often. That group will wreck all kinds of face even if Raaga got demoted.
I did 20 runs on an imp key today... zero blue imps. ZERO. What the fuck. Seriously good timing but how the fuck did I not get a single blue imp? Have a few guys now who are all but Def maxed.
Wow, never seen that before. Hopefully you at least got surplus of HP imps or something out of the deal
When I went though my units a couple days ago, I found more units with asymmetrical imp caps than I would have thought. Some units require 10-14 more imps of one stat than the others, so you can give them that many before their needed-imp ratios are back to even again... (if the ratios are even like that, you can still use Imp Artons on them - but once you max a stat (or get within 2 of maxing a stat), you can't use Artons anymore, and are forced to finish the unit entirely by single-stat imps no matter what.) Anyway, it turned out to be a good approach, because I was able to use my surplus imps on units that appreciated them without really wasting any, and without putting myself in an even worse situation of having all-but-one stat maxed on even more characters.
Running an Imp parade and not getting even a single imp of the stat you need most though.....ugh, you have my sympathies on that one. That sucks.
Ok, here is a weird one for you guys....I didn't want to post again yesterday, because it was starting to be me talking to myself and it was getting weird
So after going 0 for 6 to start out my 2nd day of farming for Evil Eyes after going 1 for 13 on the previous day (and this during the "drop rates" event), I decided to get drastic. I completely removed Brave Frontier from my device....force-shut down the device and cold-booted it. Then I reinstalled Brave Frontier clean.
After getting signed back in, I went 7 for 9 getting Evil eyes. 7 for 9! After gonig for a combined 1 for 19....keep in mind, even under normal rates, the drop rate is supposed to be 10% when the claws are killed....so 1 for 19 is bloody horrible even without a drop rates event. ok, so maybe the whole thing was just RNGesus fucking with my head, but it felt like someone flipped a switch. I went from literally worse-than-normal rates to full on event bonus rates, just by reinstalling the game. The game client *shouldn't* have anything to do with the drops a player receives (would be a horrible design and make it vulnerable to more malicious types)....but the evidence says something weird really was going on that was solved by a reinstall of the client on my end. I wasn't having drop-rate problems in other missions that I had tried either....just that one.
I'll never be able to explain it - but if any of you fellas run into a problem like that in the future, it might be worth taking the time to do a clean install of the app before wasting as much time and effort as I did.
So anyways, I went 7 for 9 on Evil Eyes to start after the reinstall, then it got a little spotty after that, but even then I was eventually able to get the Evil Eyes I needed to match the Calamity Cores I had farmed out. So yesterday I was able to craft my very first Occult Treasure (woo!) ...I still need some oddball stuff from other raids to craft another, but I'm on my way finally lol....and today I am free to turn back to farming stuff for Buffer Jewel crafting with a vengence.
So....Yesterday I got expelled from 3 groups.
At first it bothered me, but I just assumed it was someone who didn't like me running a crit lead and either didn't know or didn't care that the Hadaron I had in the group at the time made that whole concern irrelevant nowadays.
But the last time? The fucker was running a REIS lead, so clearly he didn't have a problem with crit leads. ...and he didn't expel me until AFTER we had run a mission....so he saw that not only did the important body parts all die first, but that in fact ALL body parts died on both bosses before the boss itself died. The only thing I can imagine is that the fucker didn't realize he let a Beast in the hen-house and he didn't want the competition for scoring, so he kicked me out to make room for slackers he could out-score.
If there was any other reason, I can't imagine what it could have been.
Expelling people from raid groups like that is just rude. I only will ever consider expelling someone if they've gone AFK and not come back, and then only to make room for someone who wants to join the group.
If someone ever out-scores me in a group, it doesn't even cross my mind to boot them for it. What I *WILL* do is examine their group to see what it is they are running so that maybe I can learn something from it. But expel them? For what? Doing a good job? Maybe it was just a kid being childish, because I find it hard to believe an adult would be so petty.