Will has been maxed for a while (hyper max? I need a term for max BB/SBB/UBB/Imp'ed/Leveled).
For me personally, I just assume that if a person has a character (and it's usable, not freshly summoned,) that they have maxed out their Brave Bursts. Unlocking a 7-star's Extra Skill can be extremely important to how a character functions (the UBB unlocking at the same time is just a happy by-product) and is the bare minimum needed to make that character usable IMO. It isn't even much of a time investment, can unlock all of a characters skills in a few hours with fodder farming and a handful of burst frogs. Beyond that, it is just a matter of if the character is 'Max Imp'd' or not. (You'd never max imp a character that you didn't even unlock their extra skill for.)
Just for example, I have a Feeva, a Max Imp'd Quaid, and a Rinon I haven't leveled.
Feeva of course has her Extra Skill/UBB unlocked, or I wouldn't list her as whole without any asterisks (like Rinon who has a qualifier attached)......Quaid is Max Imp'd, thus you can assume I also would have finished his skills.....and Rinon has the asterisk of not being leveled, which says all you need to know about her.
I've been driving myself mad this Frontier Hunter. My scores were down all over, yet my overall placement has been a little higher. I'd really love to improve how many ranks I gain, my progress in the months I've been playing thus far has been embarrassingly bad.
So I've tried Middle/End/Terminus several times each and tried many different group combinations/styles. In Terminus it doesn't seem to matter much what approach I take - no matter what group I bring in there or how I play it my scores always end up in the same ballpark - I apparently don't have the finesse required to milk 3TK runs for maximum points.
In Middle, I don't seem to be able to muster high enough overkill to get higher than the same amount of points I'd get from a weak terminus run (say 240k'ish or so).
And the End? Gods fuckin' damn, the waves are RANDOM as fuck. I can go in one round and get 380k+ points (which for me is *amazing* btw), and go in the very next round with the very same group and get 220k points *if I'm lucky* which freakin' blows as I could get higher than that in Terminus even on a bad run. I've done more End farming than Middle or Terminus the last couple days, but the last day and a half I've been getting screwed bad on the RNG waves. Seriously, my high water mark in End is over 2.6M points and just a bit ago with the same group I scored 1.2M.....less than half. Since the middle of yesterday, my End runs have been on the lower end, and the fact that I've done so much better in there just a couple days ago drives me absolutely mad.
Honestly, I'm so lost with it now, I don't even know what I'm doing anymore. High Hitcount groups - Max-DPS/High ATK groups - Groups with a combination of Hitcount, DPS and Dropcheck (For BC which oftentimes is a big problem).
I only have 1 Heavenly Bud @100% spark damage, so mostly I am using that plus three other +50% spark damage spheres.....unless I'm trying some kind of BC generation thing because I'm too often not filling SBB's.
I was doing better 3 days ago, and that isn't even a joke. My output has deteriorated noticeably.
Lately for End farming, I've been using a Kira lead, a Kira friend, a Zenia sub (Spark + BB damage on SBB), Quaid (+Elemental Retyping so my light/dark group isn't completely screwed on non light/dark opponents,) and usually Feeva and Nemethgear (Nemethgear sometimes feels like an odd choice, but I have a Blighted Sphere on him so he's pushing near 6k ATK), I've got a Spirit Tiara on Quaid, so he is looking at 5k ATK himself....Zenia blows them all away of course.
I've tried Sefia/Kikuri for their massive dropcheck on SBB's....I'm considering that a failure though....while it did help some on the BC front, when RNG drops a single unit wave in my lap, it does me no good. Didn't help my scoring any, and maybe hurt.
I've considered, but haven't used Grahden's (+Light/Dark, solid ATK), Xie'Jing (35 hit SBB, solid stats), Will (also high hitcount SBB, but clashes with Zenia a bit)....I used to use Aaron (his +BC fill can be a godsend, 3.85k ATK with just a +30% stats Phanom Gizmo - also partially for mitigation, but if I'm going OTK that part is useless)....I haven't used Reis as he'd be my 3rd Crit buffer in the group, but he does have a moderate +50% Crit damage buff on his SBB that the others don't have.
I've gone with High Hitcount groups (Have Ruby/Feeva/Lario/Miku/Will/Xie'Jing etc who are all over 35+ hits on their SBB's), but I've never done it well enough to be able to milk high point totals in 3TK groups.
Thanks to Gumi suddenly being more generous with Merit Points, I feel like pressure for being behind on Legend Stones isn't as great as it was, so I decided to buy the Demon Core sphere while it was still available (...I won't be getting the Demon Core from Frontier Hunter until I am old and grey at the rate I'm going.....and that sphere is kinda nutso for concentrated BC generation.)
For now, for Frontier Hunter I'm going to try the Demon Core on Quaid because there is nothing more frustrating than getting to a quad-Fire/Water/Earth/Thunder stage and Quaid's SBB isn't up to re-type everybody properly.....instant shit-score incoming.
I enjoy building groups for Raids/Trials etc SO much more than for Frontier Hunter.