/brag post incoming - you have my apologies in advance.
Hit my goal of reaching the 200 Energy threshold.
Also with a bit of luck from the slots and such, I finally caught back up on Sphere frogs. Now 100% of my 7-star units (and a handful of select 6-star units) are sphere'd. About a week ago I was able to max BBL 10/10 UBB/Extra Skill, 100% of my 7-star units. Nice combination to have 100% my 7-star units max-leveled, max-sphere'd and max-UBB'd/Extra Skill'd. I'm still a long (as in very, very long) way from being able to match that feat with Imps - However, I don't expect to ever actually do that...honestly, I'd probably retire from the game before that ever happened. Still, I'm much better off on imps nowadays than I've ever been in the past.
I've been slowly fodder'ing up 6-star units just because I need a place to drop burst frogs so they are not piling up, so I've been trying to target the higher quality 6-stars first and just going from there...getting them to Level 5 BB or SBB with fodder...then when I have excess burst frogs, dropping 5 burst frogs on 'em to finish out either their BB or SBB and moving on to the next. I've been hesitant to drop much in the way of fodders on units that are going to get a 7th star though just because any progress made gets cut in half on the rank-up anyway....not sure that makes much sense however because outside of a very few select units like Grahden's or Xie'Jing and Nick for item farming etc., (all of which are already maxed anyway) none of them I'm working on are ever going to see use anywhere. It would be less efficient but probably make more practical sense to just max-SBB any units that are getting 7-stars and just deal with re-foddering them again when the time comes.
I've actually started a modest collection of Arton Imp's. I'm keeping some as a "Break in case of Emergency" stash so I can instantly max-Imp any one (or two? /flex) characters that come along that are worthy of it.....on the other hand I'm not saving any single-serving imps for anything anymore. Late last night I finished Max-Imp'ing Breaker Andaria (for all the shit I've talked about her character, she still isn't useless, just very frustrating.), using only single-serving imps. Not sure who I'll Imp up next....maybe Ultor or Ark? I'll have to seriously consider Imp'ing out Dion/Rize if I want to try a Thunder/Earth oriented squad for Frontier Gate point farming - I just haven't been able to make that work yet, so I'm dubious about the value of the investment.
It just feels like I've made a crazy amount of progress with my game over the last several weeks and it has taken me by surprise. Hell, I even have 7 Occult Treasures crafted, 3 Revelation Books, along with 2 Buffer Jewels and 7 Malice Jewels waiting to be upgrade'd. I've got 36 Cataract Ores already farmed out ready to upgrade the lot of them, along with a dozen shock hearts etc...I've been avoiding doing more Blaze Pearl farming since Hadaron was made into a liability vs Balmedia, but I'm starting to run out of excuses not to just do it....and because I'm down to a handful of bottleneck drops for some things, my next several sphere upgrades could come along very very quickly.
Honestly, I'm to a place now where I feel like i can take it easy and just coast for a while....not sure that is even a good thing. I have 530+ Honor summons ready for the next SHS at the moment, but I have no idea what I'd even do with all that stuff besides max out/evolve a bunch more 5 and 6 star units.
I'm hoping they come up with something interesting to do for their Anniversary event besides just an extra helping of the standard 2x Exp, 1/2 Energy, Double Honor, fusion rate-up stuff we cycle through all the time anyway. I don't know if the "Challenge Arena" stuff they have been working on really qualifies.
If I still have a bottleneck on my game, it is Legend Stones. The pressure for merit points there isn't what it used to be, but there still are never enough points to go around for the characters who need the stones....seems like new legacy 7-stars roll out faster than I can catch up. ...but I'm not missing much as they are largely un-inspired and mediocre at best lately anyway....even Shera's thunder has been stolen by Gazia.
Anyways. First world problems, but it feels like I've made so much progress lately that a lot of the reasons to play the game are gone.

The list of things I don't have any reason or need to do anymore is huge. I don't need to fodder/level/sphere anything...technically with unique spheres around, I already have enough Occult Treasures to satisfy 2 groups simultaneously without breaking a sweat...I'll craft more, just because why not, but there is no urgency left there. I don't need to level and barely need to raid. All Trials and GGC's are done.
Honestly, it feels kinda weird. I might put my device down and actually read some books or something
