Leto Eu`Acumen
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- 49
Yea, I don't know if it is my roster or just the nature of his character or what, but I'm having a devil of a time working him into my Raid groups also. I still just have him plugged in where Aaron was, (and mostly he seems superior to Aaron for most purposes), but the buff overlap going on there is grotesque. I like Gazia as a character but he seems difficult to build groups around.I like Gaiza as a nuker in those teams but I still can't find a raid comp that uses him that I like.
Regarding his attack animation: It is frustrating that a significant number of his attacks are delayed long past any chance at sparking with most unit combinations, however it seems that the bulk (2/3rds maybe? I have no proof) of his attacks are front-loaded and easily sparkable, with a dozen or so of his attacks on the back-end that are almost completely unsparkable. While having his attacks split like that does hurt his spark potential for overall damage, he still has more than enough easily sparked attacks on the front-end to get as much BC from sparks with Zenia/Rhoa style leads to equal most any character I use. So in terms of BC-Fill at least, his attack animation really doesn't seem to hurt him any in my Zenia led groups.
Hah, yea, those two units are also on my very short list of potentials. I really hope Gumi gives us that free unit in Global.Now it's just waiting for the 2nd anniversary and debating if I should get a griff or zedus if they do a free unit of choice.
Griff has an amazing combination of skills, I really didn't fully appreciate just how good he was until the last couple weeks. Not much to say about Zedus, DPS extraordinaire. It is still *possible* (although, with Gumi, I don't think anybody can say for sure) that Zedus, along with the other SBS units, would NOT be in the God-Gate if/when that comes along. Technically he is a legacy unit along with the others that the God-Gate would filter out.....that would be another argument in favor of Zedus over anyone else for me, as I'd still have hope of getting Griff/Krantz etc, from the God Gate, but Zedus would pretty much be forever out of my reach outside of oddball group-of-units summons pools.
I would also still have to very strongly consider Krantz. In spite of Gazia being a thing now, Krantz would still fit into my groups/roster perfectly.
Two other units that I *might* have to consider strongly would be Zelnite and Shida - I never got either one, and if their 7-star packages are compelling enough, they might be important enough to get. ...They'd also not appear in the God-Gate. (if there ever is one) I'd have to see their skill sets first though if JPBF ever gets around to releasing their skill profiles for us. Both of those 7-star units have the potential to be pretty damn meta if they are done right....(of course they also have the potential to be ho-hum 7-star versions of what they are now heh).
If Gumi goes foward with the unit-of-your-choice promotion for their Anniversary event, we will have some interesting conversations ahead of us.