Seriously don't sweat it, man. Swings of fortune are an indelible part of the game, and it can change at any moment. I went a long time withno7 star (non-Elimo) mitigator and no Zenia back when shewasthe metagame. I didn't care how good my luck was when I couldn't get either. Hell, I quit over it.
Fast-forward a few months and while I still have no Zenia, I'm fucked now by the sheer salvo of mitigators. Lack thereof was so catastrophic that I chose Krantz as free unit; pulled a Krantz immediately thereafter; Shera 7* arrived; got Gazia; forgot to change unit of choice, now I'm getting another Krantz.
I know I posted that before, but that was all within like two days. You've presumably still got a unit of choice coming, whereas Ishad and I have blown ours (somebody please, PLEASE correct me if there's a way to change it at this point). (Also I am assuming Ishad chose Avant).
I've lamented in the past Alim's tendency to release a glut of linear improvements to existing units (Reis -> Griff, Raaga -> Rhoa) in lieu of interesting sidegrades (Kikuri -> Medina, Kira -> Dion), but it can go a long way toward unfucking indignant/frustrated players by offering the possibility of a single good pull alleviating any amount of rage. I'm not familiar with this meta but I think that applies to you, because all anybody ever seems to talk about is Avant and Zedus