Well...after the God Gate (or Divine Gate or whatever in the hell they are calling it) was put in, I decided to drop the rest of my gems on it. 60 gems....12 summons....10 Dupes.....2 new, but the best of the new was a Lord Claire (the other was Alpha.) 60 Gems for Alpha and Claire.
The disappointment was/is palpable. Honestly, I should have known better. I knew the pool-of-17 style gates were superior, but I went for it anyway just because it's been hyped for ages and 'limited time' and all that. Whatever I guess.
I *think* I successfully changed my "free" anniversary unit to Krantz. At least I re-registered my Brave Frontier Account # from a different Facebook login.
We'll find out I guess....is anyone really not expecting this to be a giant clusterfuck? I have no faith whatsoever in Gumi anymore.....they've had plenty of time to work out any kinks, so maybe they might even get it to go off without a hitch....but I'm expecting a mountain of horrors from this whole mess.
If they manage to get me a Krantz (which is how old now? Fuck...my most desired unit in the history of the game, and I can barely muster any excitement over the prospect anymore.)...then it might lift my spirits a little.
I used to find such absolute joy in this game.
Lately once every 4 or 5 months I get something worth celebrating, but the whole time in between its just a staggering shower of dissapointment, regret and frustration.
If they fuck up the Krantz thing, I'm probably done for good. I might be done anyway.