I really want a Zekt for a defensive collesium Lead. Just can't justify trying to summon for one right now.
The lvl 10 elgif dungeon is open this week, but it's full energy, so 100 per run. Since summoner mode is due out this month, I'd say anyone not finished the storyline up through karna masta should focus on that asap so they don't get blocked out of the biggest update once it drops. Those of us that are content complete may as well do the elgifs at 100 energy per because why not.
Then Elza, dark bitch that she is, encroaches on part of her niche,
I went at the Female FG for the Guild Event......it was a disaster (as predicted), I just don't have the personnel to make it happen atm. My best score was 1.27M and I never was able to even finish it lol. That said, our ranking this time is twice as high as last time, so it seems a whole lot of other folks are in a similar position as I.
With the overall scores down, if anyone else in Rerolled who hasn't done a run yet can toss in an attempt at it, it would make a significant difference in our ranking - even if its a bad run like I had lol
I'll give it a go. Goddammit Lara, gotta spend 3 gems on your bullshit and give you mitigation.
ack! Don't respec her just for this....even Edea or Elimo or somebody would work just to toss a shot in.
Top 12,000 guilds get something. The difference between top 1k and top 101 isn't a ton (merit points and guild points). At top 100 you get a 20% female elgif.I haven't bothered much with the guild events, is there any point? I thought only the top 20 guilds got rewards, and I doubt we're anywhere near the top 20.
Needed to do it anyway. Having another omni mitigator is nice.
Lucky enough to have Ensa, and was able to complete it with her leading and a Miku friend (I don't have an omni female status cleanse, so a lead null was nice).
Got 2.1 mil or so, but almost wiped like 3 times.
Well, I did a clear on female FG to do my part for the guild event! Each member just needs to do one clear, and it uses your best score?
Awesome man.
I was using your Ensa as a Friend-Leader as a matter of fact.
I actually use your Ensa fairly often. What an obnoxiously strong character she is LOL. Damn.
As far as the guild events go, I'm mostly in it for the extra CP rewards. We will be due to get hundreds of the guild tokens whenever they manage to get around to handing out the rewards.
Edit: I should have enough points to upgrade Jeu'vrr's Heart later today. Strongly considering flagging that for Zelnite's OE just to make his hitcount situation get even more out of handlol